Romans 14:18. For he that herein, lit., ‘in this,' according to the correct reading. Some have referred ‘this' to the ‘Holy Spirit,' which seems unnatural. Others, to avoid the difficulty, retain the poorly supported plural. ‘Herein' points to the sphere of life, just described, and the verse confirms the statement of Romans 14:17.

Serveth Christ. This phrase not only indicates the moral reference of what precedes, but shows that duty in the kingdom of God consists in service of Christ.

Is well pleasing to God; since such service is what He enjoins, and approved of men; standing the test of their moral judgment ‘a fact not annulled by abnormal manifestations, in which misapprehension, perversion of the moral judgment, and the like are at work' (Meyer). Men can approve of the conduct of Christians even while they hate it for the reproof it conveys.

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Old Testament