1. _The Ground on which all men are Judged_
The Jews would at once assent to the truthfulness of the previous
description; but while condemning the Gentiles, they would mentally
excuse themselves. To this natural, yet improper state of mind, the
Apostle replies. He shows great rhetorical skill, both... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:1. THEREFORE. This refers to the preceding section (Romans
2:18-29), especially to the inexcusableness of the heathen, the
culminating proof of which is found in Rom. 2:32.
WITHOUT EXCUSE; as in chap. Romans 1:20.
O MAN, WHOSOEVER THOU ART, etc. The application to the Jews (Romans
2:17,... [ Continue Reading ]
This passage contains the second part of the proof of the universality
of sin, and hence of the universal need of the gospel, wherein is
revealed a righteousness from God appropriated by faith. It begins
with a direct address to... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:2. AND WE KNOW. Two very ancient manuscripts read ‘for';
but this was likely to have been an alteration. Paul thus introduces
what he regards, and what his readers regard, as an undoubted truth.
It is not necessary to suppose that he means ‘we Jews.'
ACCORDING TO TRUTH. This belongs to th... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:3. BUT RECKONEST THOU, etc. There is a slight antithesis
here: ‘but (although this is the case, that God's judgment is
against, etc.) dost thou reckon,' etc., have this opinion, or fancy.
THIS, namely, what follows, the description of the man ADDRESSED:
Romans 2:4. OR DESPISEST THOU, etc. A new error. ‘The despising of
the divine goodness is the contemptuous unconcern as to its holy
purpose, which produces as a natural consequence security in sinning
(Ecclesiastes 5:5 f.).' Meyer.
RICHES; referring to abundance or magnitude; a favorite expression... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:5. BUT. With this tendency of the goodness of God is
contrasted the conduct of man. Instead of being thereby led to
repentance, men allow themselves to fancy that God's goodness is a
proof that He will not punish sin.
in... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:6. WHO WILL RENDER, etc. This is the universal principle of
God's judgment, and it is set forth in detail in Romans 2:7-10, which
form a parallelism. In fact, Romans 2:6; Romans 2:11 are parallel;
Romans 2:7-10 being an amplification of the contrast implied in both
of these verses.
WORKS.... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:7. BY ENDURANCE, perseverance, steadfastness, rather than
‘patience,' is the idea of the word, and the preposition in the
original points to the standard according to which the action is
IN GOOD WORK. The singular is used to express the character as a
unit. (‘Well-doing' obscur... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:7-10. The parallelism will appear from the following
A To them that by endurance in good work
Seek for gory and honor and incorruption,
Eternal life: B But to them that are self-seeking
And disobey the truth, but obey unrighteousness
Shall be wrath and indigination. B Trib... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:8. TO THEM THAT ARE SELF-SEEKING. Lit., ‘them of faction.'
‘Contentious' is not exact, since the word is derived from serve,
meaning to work for hire. In the New Testament the derivative always
means factiousness, venal partisanship; here it refers to those who
are intriguing, selfishly ser... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:9. TRIBULATION AND ANGUISH. The parallelism is continued in
reverse order. ‘Tribulation' refers to the external weight of
affliction; ‘anguish' to the internal sense of its weight, hence it
forms the climax (comp. references).
EVERY SOUL OF MAN. An emphatic and solemn way of saying ‘every... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:10. GLORY AND HONOR AND PEACE. (Comp. Romans 2:7.) ‘Peace'
is here used in its fullest sense; in the Old Testament it includes
‘peace, plenty, and prosperity,' but with more of a temporal
reference than in its New Testament use. Comp. chap. Romans 8:6, and
similar passages.... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:11. FOR THERE IS NO RESPECT, etc. This is not a mere
repetition of Romans 2:6; but shows the reason why ‘the Jew first,
and also of the Greek.' Since God has no respect of persons, He must
judge the Jew _first._ The verse, therefore, constitutes a proper
transition to the next paragraph (Ro... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:12. FOR. This introduces an explanation, namely, since God is
no respecter of persons it follows that He will judge according to
AS MANY AS HAVE SINNED WITHOUT LAW. ‘Without law' is a single
adverb in the original, and refers to the absence of the _Mosaic law_
as a standard of moral... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:13. FOR. This introduces the proof of the latter part of
Romans 2:12. The parenthesis of the E. V. is not only unnecessary, but
misleading; for it improperly connects Romans 2:16 (which see) with
Romans 2:12, and places the important proof of this verse in a
subordinate position. The Jewish... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:14. FOR. The principle of Romans 2:13 is now applied, so far
as it can be, to the Gentiles, and this thought is parenthetical
(Romans 2:14-15); Romans 2:16 being connected with the close of Romans
2:13. It is not necessary to insist upon the insertion of marks of a
parenthesis in the transl... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:15. WHO: or, ‘being such as.' This is virtually the proof
that they are a law unto themselves.
SHEW THE WORK OF THE LAW. By their doing of it show what is the work
of the law = the sum of ‘the things of the law' (Romans 2:14).
WRITTEN IN THEIR HEARTS. They show that this work of the law... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:16. IN THE DAY. The question of connection is the important
one. Some Join directly with Romans 2:15;, referring the ‘day' to
the day when the gospel is preached to the Gentiles, and the
demonstration of Romans 2:14-15 is made. But this verse seems to point
to the future judgment. Most comm... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:17. BUT IF. The addition of a single letter in the Greek
gives this sense, which is without doubt the correct one. The
construction is modified by the change; Romans 2:17-20 form the
conditional part of the sentence, and Romans 2:21-24 the conclusion
(apodosis) in the form of successive que... [ Continue Reading ]
_2. The Jew is Condemned; His External Circumcision does not Avail._
This section contains the direct application to the case of the Jew,
in the form of an indignant outburst (Romans 2:17-24), much of the
vehemence of which has been lost through the incorrect reading
followed in the E. V.; the gener... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:18. AND KNOWEST HIS WILL; lit, ‘the will,' evidently God's
will, as revealed in the law.
things that differ.' Both translations are verbally exact, the latter
being more in accordance with usage. But it gives so tame a sen... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:19. AND ART CONFIDENT. ROMANS 2:19-20 set forth the attitude
of the Jew toward the Gentile, not only regarding himself as superior,
but _con-descending_ to make proselytes. This attitude grew out of the
facts indicated in Romans 2:18, as is suggested by the connective used
in the Greek.
T... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:20. A TRAINER OF THE FOOLISH. ‘Instructor' is too weak;
‘corrector' is possibly too strong.
A TEACHER OF BABES. These figurative expressions correctly represent
the proud attitude of the Jews as religious instructors.
HAVING IN THE LAW. The change of order gives clearness. This clause
g... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:21. THOU THEREFORE. ‘ Therefore' sums up what has been
previously said. ‘Being such an one, to thee, I say,' etc. The
questions imply surprise at such a state of things, and rebuke it.
TEACHEST THOU NOT THYSELF. This is the general accusation, that the
conduct of the Jew did not agree wit... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:22. COMMIT ADULTERY. The loose practices in regard to divorce
(Matthew 19:8-9; Joshua 4:4), amounted to this sin, and the Talmud
charges adultery upon some of the most celebrated Rabbins.
ABHORREST IDOLS. The noun corresponding to the verb here used is
‘abomination'(Matthew 24:15, etc.),... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:23. THOU THAT BOASTEST IN. Comp. Romans 2:17.
dishonorest God.' It is difficult to decide whether this verse is a
question, forming a climax to the interrogative charge, or an answer
given by Paul himself to his own questi... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:24. FOR. This word is not found in Isaiah 52:5, the passage
here quoted (from the LXX.). Paul inserts it to show that he has
applied it in his own way. That he does not cite it as a fulfilled
prophecy appears further from the unusual position of ‘as it is
written,' after the Old Testament w... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:25. FOR CIRCUMCISION. The statement of Romans 2:23-24, which
summed up the charge against the sinful Jew, is now corroborated:
‘what I have said is true in spite of circumcision, for circumcision
without the keeping of the law is of no avail; true circumcision and
true Judaism are not outwa... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:26. IF THEREFORE. The unholy Jew virtually becomes a Gentile
(Romans 2:25), does not the obedient Gentile virtually become a Jew?
THE UNCIRCUMCISION. The Jewish expression for ‘the uncircumcised;'
comp. Galatians 2:7.
KEEP THE ORDINANCES OF THE LAW. ‘Righteousness' is misleading here;
th... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:27. AND SHALL NOT THE UNCIRCUMCISION. As in Romans 2:23, the
main question here is whether the verse is interrogative or
affirmative. Here, however, the original is more decisively in favor
of the affirmative than in the previous instance. We would then
render: ‘And the uncircumcision,' etc... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:28. FOR. This introduces the proof of the previous positions,
Romans 2:27.
HE IS NOT A JEW WHO IS ONE OUTWARDLY. This gives the sense of the
original; but in this and the succeeding verse the construction is
peculiar. The one who shows only the outward marks of a Jew is not a
true Jew.... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 2:29. WHO IS ONE INWARDLY; in his secret inner life.
parallelism, which is not so marked, however, in the original. The
difficult construction of the original has led to other renderings:
‘And circumcision is of the heart,'... [ Continue Reading ]