Romans 2:23. Thou that boastest in. Comp. Romans 2:17.

Through the transgression of the law dishonorest thou God? or, ‘thou dishonorest God.' It is difficult to decide whether this verse is a question, forming a climax to the interrogative charge, or an answer given by Paul himself to his own questions, Romans 2:21-22. The sense remains substantially the same whichever construction be accepted. The general similarity of form in the verses favors the usual view, but a slight variation in the original is urged in support of the affirmative construction. It is an open question which is the more forcible. The ‘transgression of the law' points to the infraction of the law as a whole, rather than to single forms of transgression. (‘The transgression' is equivalent to ‘thy transgressions.) here is a summing up of the charges of Romans 2:21-22. ‘God' is dishonored, because it is His law which they transgress. See next verse.

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Old Testament