Romans 2:26. If therefore. The unholy Jew virtually becomes a Gentile (Romans 2:25), does not the obedient Gentile virtually become a Jew?

The uncircumcision. The Jewish expression for ‘the uncircumcised;' comp. Galatians 2:7.

Keep the ordinances of the law. ‘Righteousness' is misleading here; the righteous requirements of the law are meant (comp. Romans 1:32); moral, not ceremonial, for the chief ceremonial observance, circumcision, is necessarily excluded. Complete fulfilment of the law is not meant; nor is any hint given as to the way in which a Gentile could ‘keep the ordinances of the law,' though, as Godet thinks, the Apostle probably had in mind the fulfilment of the ordinance of the law by Gentile Christians (comp. chap. Romans 8:4), not proselytes of the gate, as Philippi suggests.

Shall not. The form indicates that an affirmative answer is expected.

His uncircumcision. ‘His' takes up the concrete idea of ‘uncircumcision' in the previous clause.

Be reckoned for circumcision. The phrase is precisely the same as in the well-known one: ‘reckoned for righteousness' (chap. Romans 4:3; Romans 4:9; Romans 4:22; Galatians 3:6), except that here the future is used, probably pointing to the day of judgment. At that time the uncircumcised Gentile, who has kept the ordinances of the law, shall be regarded precisely as though he were circumcised, i.e., as a member of God's covenant people.

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Old Testament