Romans 2:5. But. With this tendency of the goodness of God is contrasted the conduct of man. Instead of being thereby led to repentance, men allow themselves to fancy that God's goodness is a proof that He will not punish sin.

After thy hardness and impenitent heart. As might be expected from, in accordance with and occasioned by, thy hardness, etc.

Treasurest up for thyself; thou for thyself, not God for thee. ‘The despising of the riches of God's goodness in forbearance and long suffering is the heaping up of a treasure of wrath' (Lange).

In the day of wrath; wrath which will be revealed in the day of wrath; ‘against' is quite incorrect.

And revelation, etc. This qualifies ‘day.' God's ‘righteous judgment' (one word in Greek) will not be fully revealed until the great day of final judgment

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Old Testament