Romans 6:13. Nor render. ‘Nor' = ‘and especially not.' ‘Render' (in chap. Romans 12:1, ‘present') is preferable to ‘yield,' since the latter conveys the idea of previous resistance; the thought is of placing at the disposal of another; probably the figure of military service is suggested.

Your members, the various parts of the body which can be used in the service of sin. If ‘mortal body' (Romans 6:12) is taken figuratively, then ‘members' must be taken accordingly.

As weapons, or, ‘instruments.' The former sense is more literal, and accords better with the Apostle's usage, and with the figure of military service.

Of unrighteousness; opposed to ‘righteousness,' not simply immorality.

To sin. Personified as ruler (comp. Romans 6:12).

But render yourselves to God; the new and true Ruler. The command is to present them-selves entirely, once for all (the tense in the original is not the same as in the previous clause).

As being alive from the dead. Regarding yourselves as those that are alive, almost = since you are. There is no reference to a battle-field, out rather to the thought of Romans 6:11.

Your members, etc. This is a more particular statement of the previous exhortation, corresponding with the first clause of the verse.

To God; not, ‘for God,' which disturbs the parallelism.

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Old Testament