1. _The Life in the Spirit contrasted with the Life after the Flesh._
The Christian is free from condemnation (Romans 8:1), because he is
freed from the law of sin (Romans 8:2), a result which the law could
not accomplish, but which is accomplished by God through Christ
(Romans 8:3-4). Hence he live... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:1. THERE IS THEREFORE NOW, at this time. ‘Therefore' sums
up what precedes. But the exact connection is disputed. It may be
joined either (1.) with the thanksgiving, at the beginning of Romans
8:25; (2.) or with the whole of Romans 8:25; (3.) or with the entire
preceding section. With the v... [ Continue Reading ]
This chapter is ‘the climax of the Epistle' (Tholuck). The gospel is
a present power unto salvation; the law has proven a failure, both in
justifying (chap. 3) and in san... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:2. FOR introduces the proof that there is ‘no
LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE. ‘Law' is here to be taken in its wide
sense, the principle, ruling power, etc. The reference is not to the
moral law, or the Mosaic law, or to the law of the mind, nor yet to
the gospel as a system, bu... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:3. FOR WHAT THE LAW COULD NOT DO; lit, ‘the impossible
(thing) of the law.' The Mosaic law is certainly meant. What was
impossible for the law to do, God did, _i.e._, condemned sin, etc.
This is better than to explain: ‘in view of the powerlessness of the
BECAUSE IT WAS WEAK THROUGH... [ Continue Reading ]
‘righteousness' is that used in chap. Romans 5:16; Romans 5:18, in
the sense of ‘righteous verdict,' or, ‘righteous act,' and in Luke
1:6; chaps. Romans 1:32; Romans 2:26, in the sense of ‘ordinance,'
_i.e.,_ righteous requirement. We explain i... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:5. FOR THEY, etc. In chap. 7 the contrast was between the
workings of the law and the flesh in the same person; in Romans 8:5-8
the Apostle contrasts two classes of persons; snowing why the
righteousness of the law is fulfilled in one class, and cannot be in
the other.
THAT ARE CORDING TO... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:6. FOR THE MIND OF THE FLESH. Explanation of Romans 8:5. The
word ‘mind' corresponds with the verb ‘mind' in the last verse; it
is that which embodies the thinking, caring, striving; the
disposition, we might call it
IS DEATH; amounts to death. ‘Death is here conceived of as present
(comp... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:7. BECAUSE THE MIND (same word as in Romans 8:6) OF THE
FLESH. Proof that the mind of the flesh is death (Romans 8:6); in
Romans 8:10-11, it is proved that the mind of the spirit is life and
peace, though that is implied here.
ENMITY AGAINST GOD. This is equivalent to death.
FOR introdu... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:8. AND. Not, ‘so then,' but a simple continuation of the
thought of Romans 8:7.
THEY THAT ARE IN THE FLESH. Substantially the same as: ‘they that
are according to the flesh' (Romans 8:5), but stronger, and presenting
a better contrast to the full gospel phrases: ‘in Christ' ‘in the
Spirit... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:9. BUT YE, etc. The Apostle now turns to the other class,
spoken of in Romans 8:5, gladly using direct address, for ‘ye' is
emphatic in the original.
If so be. This conditional form is ‘an indirect incitement to
self-examination' (Meyer), and does not imply special doubt.
THE SPIRIT OF G... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:10. BUT IF CHRIST IS IN YOU. Not doubt, but rather a
suggestion that this is the case; in contrast with the latter part of
Romans 8:9. Notice that the indwelling of the Spirit of God, having
the Spirit of Christ, belonging to Christ, having Christ in us, are
only varied expressions of the s... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:11. BUT IF, etc. The body will indeed die, but despite this
grace will triumph even over physical death; even the body that must
die will ultimately fully share in redemption, at the resurrection,
through the indwelling Holy Spirit
HIM THAT RAISED UP JESUS FROM THE DEAD, etc. This express... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:14.
FOR AS MANY AS, etc. This introduces the reason why we ‘shall live
, ' indicating again that the mortifying (Romans 8:13) is the work of
the Holy Spirit.
LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD; continuously and specially moved by the
Spirit, in their whole life. ‘The passive form expresses its
co... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:15. FOR YE DID NOT RECEIVE. The fact that they are ‘sons'
is now proven from their Christian experience at conversion.
THE SPIRIT OF BONDAGE, etc. The latter part of the verse most
naturally refers to the Holy Spirit, but many find a difficulty in
this clause, if such a reference be accep... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:16. THE SPIRIT ITSELF; the Holy Spirit
BEARETH WITNESS WITH, or, ‘to,' OUR SPIRIT, our renewed spirit, in
which the Holy Spirit dwells. But it is doubtful whether we should
render ‘with , ' or, ‘to.' The former sense necessarily involves
the latter (the converse is not true), and is somew... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:17. AND IF CHILDREN, ALSO HEIRS. Comp. the similar, but
fuller statement in Galatians 4:7.
HEIRS OF GOD. The kingdom of glory is their inheritance. ‘As He
Himself will be all in all, so shall His children receive with Him, in
His Son, everything for an inheritance; 1 Corinthians 3:21, etc... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:18. FOR. This connects the verse with the whole thought
culminating in Romans 8:17 (see above), and not with ‘glorified'
I RECKON. No doubtful calculation is implied; comp. chap. Romans
3:28. Alford paraphrases: ‘I myself am one who have embraced this
course, being convinced that.'... [ Continue Reading ]
The life in the Spirit involves fellowship with Christ in suffering
and glory (Romans 8:17). The sufferings are present, while the glory
is yet future; but we are encouraged by the conviction that the glory
will far outweigh the sufferi... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:19. FOR THE PATIENT EXPECTATION. The idea is not of anxiety,
but of a constant and persistent awaiting; the word translated
‘patient expectation' being derived from one which means ‘to
expect with uplifted head.' This verse confirms the thought of Romans
8:18, by indicating the greatness of... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:20. FOR THE CREATION WAS MADE SUBJECT, _i.e._, by God, in
consequence of the fall of man (see close of the verse).
TO VANITY. It became empty, lost its original significance. This does
not necessarily imply a change in matter corresponding to the fall of
man, but that as a result of the f... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:21. THAT THE CREATION ITSELF ALSO. This view of the
connection seems preferable to that of the E. V. (The Greek word means
either ‘that,' or ‘because.') We thus have the purport of the
hope, what is hoped. The phrase ‘the creation itself' is repeated in
contrast with ‘children of God.' To a... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:22. FOR WE KNOW. Here, as in chaps. Romans 2:2; Romans 3:19;
Romans 7:14, and Romans 8:26; Romans 8:28, the Apostle appeals to the
consciousness of _Christians,_ rather than to the consciousness of all
men. If Romans 8:21 be taken as the purport of the hope, then this is
a proof of the exis... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:23. AND NOT ONLY SO. Not only is this true, that the whole
creation, etc.
BUT EVEN WE OURSELVES. There are a number of slight variations in the
Greek, but in any case a repetition of ‘ourselves' brings out the
correct emphasis. The reference is to Christians, possibly to the
Christians of... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:24. FOR WE WERE SAVED. The tense points to the time of
IN HOPE, or, ‘for hope'; either rendering is preferable to ‘by
hope.' The fact of salvation placed us in a condition of which hope
was a characteristic Luther: ‘We are indeed saved, yet in hope.'
‘Inasmuch as the object of... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:25. WITH PATIENCE WE WAIT FOR IT _._ Literally, ‘through,'
but it here indicates a characteristic of the waiting.' Patience,' as
usual, suggests the notion of enduring constancy. Because the
Christian hopes for a glory yet to be revealed (Romans 8:18), he
awaits it perseveringly, which even... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:26. LIKEWISE THE SPIRIT ALSO. This is the second ground of
encouragement. ‘Likewise' introduces that which takes place at the
same time, and in correspondence with what precedes: to our patient
human waiting is added the help of the Divine Spirit. It is now
generally conceded that the perso... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:27. BUT HE WHO SEARCHETH THE HEARTS. Though the groanings are
unutterable, God understands their meaning. The Old Testament
frequently describes God as omniscient by language of this kind (1
Samuel 16:7; Psalms 7:10, etc.).
THE MIND OF THE SPIRIT. This is an object of knowledge to the
hea... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:28. AND WE KNOW. Comp. references under Romans 8:22. Here the
context unmistakably indicates that this is an expression of Christian
ALL THINGS. All events, even afflictive ones (Romans 8:35), indeed
all created things (Romans 8:38-39). Some ancient manuscripts insert
‘God' in... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:28-39. The _third_ ground of encouragement; the Christian has
nothing to fear, for nothing can separate him from the love of God
(see analysis above).... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:29. This verse and the next prove the statement of Romans
8:28, showing how the calling agrees with God's purpose, forming part
of His plan; the successive steps of the unfolding of this purpose are
indicated, up to the certain glorification of the chosen ones. The
whole matter is stated as... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:30. THEM HE ALSO CALLED. This certainly means more than the
general invitation to believe and accept the gospel, since the series
of gracious acts here announced does not include all who are thus
invited. The call is effectual, is inseparably linked with
predestination and justification in... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:31. WHAT THEN SHALL WE SAY? In chaps. Romans 3:5; Romans 4:1;
Romans 7:7; Romans 9:14, this form introduces an inference which the
Apostle opposes; here and in chap. Romans 9:30, one he accepts.
THESE THINGS; _i.e.,_ set forth in Romans 8:29-30. What we should say
is to echo the language o... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:32. HE WHO, etc. This is an answer to the question of Romans
8:31; but as the great historical facts of the gospel now come into
view, there is an advance in thought. The peculiar form of the
original might be paraphrased: He who even, or, indeed.
SPARED NOT. The negative side of what is... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:33. WHO SHALL BRING ANY CHARGE AGAINST. The term used is a
legal one, and suggests an accusation resulting in condemnation.
God's elect. Those referred to throughout, especially in Romans
8:28-30, thus designated to confirm the security of believers. Only
believers can with any propriety f... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:33-35. The main point open to discussion is respecting the
punctuation of these verses. (1.) The E. V. gives answers as well as
questions in Romans 8:33-34. (2.) Others find two questions in each of
these verses; so Augustine and many ancient and modern commentators.
3. Meyer joins together... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:34. WHO IS HE THAT CONDEMNETH? See above.
IT IS CHRIST JESUS. The weight of evidence apparently favors the
insertion of ‘Jesus.' We may paraphrase: ‘Christ Jesus is the one
who died,' etc.
DIED, etc. The four great saving facts about Christ Jesus are here
mentioned in order: His death,... [ Continue Reading ]
love to us, rather than our love to Him, or even our sense of His love
to us. Still the separation.must refer to possible hindrances in its
gracious effects upon us; hence the separation would include a failure
to feel His love to... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:36. AS IT IS WRITTEN. From Psalms 44:22, quite exactly in the
words of the LXX. The whole Psalm refers to the sufferings of God's
people, and the verse, even if not directly prophetic, is typical of
the treatment the world bestows on God's children. The special point
proven by the quotation... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:37. NAY; literally, ‘but.' Some connect this with Romans
8:35, making Romans 8:36 parenthetical, but this is not necessary, for
the course of thought is unbroken, and this verse is antithetical to
both Romans 8:35-36.
IN ALL THESE THINGS; just mentioned.
WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS. A si... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:38. FOR I AM PERSUADED. In thus expressing his own triumphant
conviction, the Apostle not only sums up what precedes, but goes
further. The list here given exceeds the previous one; not only so,
but to the great facts of God's purpose, and the gracious facts of
Christ's work, there is added... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans 8:39. NOR HEIGHT, NOR DEPTH. The idea of space is now
substituted for that of time; but it is difficult to define the exact
reference. The most probable one is: heaven and hell; though heaven
and earth, happiness and unhappiness, honor and shame, lofty and
lowly, have been suggested. It is do... [ Continue Reading ]