Romans 8:34. Who is he that condemneth? See above.

It is Christ Jesus. The weight of evidence apparently favors the insertion of ‘Jesus.' We may paraphrase: ‘Christ Jesus is the one who died,' etc.

Died, etc. The four great saving facts about Christ Jesus are here mentioned in order: His death, resurrection, ascension, and continued intercession. The usual view presents these facts as a proof that Christ will not condemn us. (The interrogative form would be: Shall Christ Jesus who died, etc.). Meyer's view bases upon them the question of Romans 8:35, proving that nothing can separate us from His love.

Yea, rather. Not His death alone, but His death followed by His resurrection gives security.

Risen again, or, ‘was raised,' some good authorities adding ‘from the dead.' There is about the same amount of evidence against inserting ‘even' before ‘at the right hand of God.'

Maketh intercession, or, ‘pleadeth,' as we render it in Romans 8:27. To the three great past facts is added one which is present and abiding. Comp. Hebrews 7:25; Hebrews 9:24; 1 John 2:1. The fact is undoubted, and its pertinence in the Apostle's argument obvious, whatever view be taken of the connection.

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Old Testament