Contents: Israel demands a king; theocracy rejected.

Characters: God, Samuel, his sons, Joel, Abiajah.

Conclusion: When God's people will not accept His best for them, they will get the best they can be persuaded to take and, with the answer to their selfish prayers, will receive also an added judgment.

Key Word: King, 1 Samuel 8:5; 1 Samuel 8:19.

Strong Verses: 1 Samuel 8:7; 1 Samuel 8:9; 1 Samuel 8:18.

Striking Facts: 1 Samuel 8:20. For a professed Christian to want to live like the world means not only that he is displeasing Christ, but will at last find himself a dupe.

It was God's will that Israel should have a king but in His own time. He must come of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10). Because of Judah's sin (Gen. 38, Deuteronomy 23:2) his line was prohibited from office for ten generations. David is found to be the first one to satisfy these conditions. (Matt. 1).

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