Contents: Walk of a good soldier of Christ in times of apostasy.

Characters: Christ, Paul, Timothy, David, Hymenaeus, Philetus, Satan.

Conclusion: Those who have work to do for Christ must stir themselves up as soldiers to do it, and strengthen themselves for it in His power. They must count upon suffering, even unto death, and therefore must carefully train up others in the faith to succeed them who will approve themselves good soldiers.

Key Word: Good soldier, 2 Timothy 2:3.

Strong Verses: 2 Timothy 2:3; 2 Timothy 2:11; 2 Timothy 2:12; 2 Timothy 2:13; 2 Timothy 2:15; 2 Timothy 2:19; 2 Timothy 2:21; 2 Timothy 2:22; 2 Timothy 2:24; 2 Timothy 2:25.

Striking Facts: 2 Timothy 2:8. «Remember Jesus Christ» raised from the dead. This is the great proof of the Christian mission, and confirmation of the truth of the Gospel. Let suffering saints remember this. His incarnation and resurrection, heartily believed, will support the Christian under all testings of the present life.

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