Contents: Founding of church at Thessalonica and the Jewish opposition. Paul and Silas at Berea. Paul at Athens and the sermon from Mars' hill.

Characters: Christ, Paul, Silas, Jason, Caesar, philosophers, Dionysius, Damaris.

Conclusion: The doctrine of Christ does not fear a scrutiny, but will be borne out fully by the light of all Scripture. Those who reason from the Scriptures concerning «Christ crucified» may expect not only that God will incline some to make use of the means of grace by searching the Scriptures for themselves, but that the enmity of the restless agents of Satan will be aroused. Nevertheless, by seeking to extinguish the divine fire, enemies will but spread it the farther and faster.

Key Word: (Scriptural) Reasoning, Acts 17:2; Acts 17:11; Acts 17:22.

Strong Verses: Acts 17:11; Acts 17:24; Acts 17:25; Acts 17:26; Acts 17:28; Acts 17:31.

Striking Facts: Acts 17:3. The scope of all preaching is to point to Jesus Christ as the One who made atonement and was resurrected for the justification of all who will believe. Jesus must be the subject of all preaching, and our business is to bring people to acquaintance with Him.

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