Contents: Paul before the Sanhedrin. The conspiracy to kill Paul and its defeat. Paul sent to Felix.

Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Ananias, Pharisees, Sadduces, Paul's sister's son, centurion, chief captain, Lysias, Felix.

Conclusion: Many are the troubles of the righteous, but some way or other, the Lord delivereth them out of them all. God is able to bring the hidden things to light and make conspirators' own tongues betray them, and above all to make the persecutions of His servants to turn to the wider spread of the Gospel.

Key Word: Dissension (Acts 23:7) and conspiracy (Acts 23:13).

Strong Verses: Acts 23:11.

Striking Facts: It is the will of Christ that His servants should often suffer with Him, but in their trials He would have them to be «cheerful,» and in the consciousness of His presence, how can one be otherwise? If He is with us, all secular events will be ordered to give opportunity to witness for Christ.

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