Contents: Exhortation to the young to be religious. The vanity of the world.

Characters: God, Solomon.

Conclusion: The great antidote against the diseases of youth, the love of mirth, the indulgence of sensual pleasures, and the vanities to which youth is subject, is the reverence of God reigning in the heart and a respect to His commandments. To reverence God is the summary of religion.

Key Word: Fear God, Ecclesiastes 12:13.

Strong Verses: Ecclesiastes 12:1; Ecclesiastes 12:13; Ecclesiastes 12:14.

Striking Facts: Ecclesiastes 12:13. This is on the ground of law, not grace. To fear God and keep the commandments is the best that man, apart from redemption, can do. The Christian, under the Gospel, has Christ living in Him (Galatians 2:20) and his body is a shrine of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 6:19).

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