Contents: Conspiracy of Haman. The king's decree to destroy the Jews.

Characters: Ahasuerus, Haman, Mordecai.

Conclusion: Though religion in no way stands in the way of good manners, but teaches us to render honor to whom honor is due, yet it is the character of a Christian not to hypocritically express respect for one known to be a vile person, merely because he occupies a place of authority. However threatened, it behooves the Christian to be true to conscience, if he is sure his conscience is enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

Key Word: Decree, Esther 3:14.

Strong Verses: Esther 3:2.

Striking Facts: Esther 3:8. The enemies of the followers of Christ could not give them such bad treatment as they do if they did not first give them a bad name by malicious representations.

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