Contents: Jeremiah's first persecution. His complaint to God and encouragement in God.

Characters: God, Pashur, Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar.

Conclusion: Those who declare the whole counsel of God may expect to be plotted against, ridiculed and represented as dangerous to the government, which presents a strong temptation to stop preaching or tone down the message. However, the faithful preacher can successfully set all enemies at defiance, for Jehovah has promised to take his part, and to make the Word preached answer the end of its designs.

Key Word: Persecution, Jeremiah 20:11.

Strong Verses: Jeremiah 20:9; Jeremiah 20:11.

Striking Facts: Jeremiah 20:7; Jeremiah 20:8. Thus our Lord Jesus on the cross was reviled by priests and people for nothing but His faithful witness to God's Word.

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