Contents: The risen Christ surprises the disciples and directs their fishing. Peter given opportunity to reaffirm His allegiance to Christ.

Characters: Jesus, disciples, Peter, Thomas, John.

Conclusion: In those disappointments which to us are very grievous, our Master often has designs that are very gracious. They are happy and successful in their work who know how to take hints from Him, for nothing can be lost but much gained by following His orders.

Before Christ can commit His sheep to our care, He would have us examine the love of our hearts toward Him. If we would try whether we are true disciples of His, let us ask ourselves the question, «Do we really love Jesus?»

Key Word: Service (John 21:6) and love (John 21:15).

Strong Verses: John 21:15; John 21:16; John 21:17.

Striking Facts: John 21:25. The truth about Jesus Christ could never be exhausted. Jesus never spoke an idle word nor did an idle thing. He wrought probably thousands of miracles of which we have no record. All that is needful for our salvation is written. The ages of eternity will reveal the wonders of the life of the Son of God.

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