Contents: Jonah's second commission. Ninevah's repentance because of his obedience.

Characters: God, Jonah, King of Nineveh.

Conclusion: Those who would not destroy their souls must afflict their souls. God threatens so He will not have to punish, and makes His judgments conditional upon true repentance. There is mercy for those who will, before it is too late, confess and forsake their sin.

Key Word: Repentance, Jonah 3:8; Jonah 3:10.

Strong Verses: Jonah 3:2; Jonah 3:10.

Striking Facts: Jonah 3:10. God is unchangeable in character, but He may change His conduct toward men as they change their attitude toward Him. Repentance in man is a change of will. Repentance in God is God willing a change.

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