Contents: Jesus' doctrine of prayer. Jesus charged with casting out demons by Beelzebub, and His answer. Woes denounced upon the Pharisees and lawyers.

Characters: Jesus, disciples, Satan, Jonah, Solomon, Queen of the South, Pharisees, lawyers, scribes, Abel, Zacharias.

Conclusion: One great design of Christianity is to enforce upon us the duty of prayer, instruct us in it and encourage us to expect advantage by it. Prayer changes things. Our prayers are God's opportunities to do for us what He otherwise could not do. Let us therefore lay hold of God's willingness with confidence and cling to Him with persistency. Obstinate infidelity will never be at loss for something to say in its own excuse, though ever so absurd. They will yet be compelled to face Him in judgment to answer for all their absurdities and will see the emptiness of all external ceremonies.

Key Word: Prayer, Luke 11:1. Evil generation, Luke 11:29 (Luke 11:14; Luke 11:54).

Strong Verses: Luke 11:2; Luke 11:3; Luke 11:4; Luke 11:9; Luke 11:13; Luke 11:23; Luke 11:28.

Striking Facts: Luke 11:29. The sign from God for the confirmation of our faith is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the greatest and most convincing proof that He was sent from God.

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