Contents: Parable of barren fig tree. Woman loosed from her infirmity. Parable of mustard seed and leaven. Jesus teaching on way to Jerusalem.

Characters: Jesus, Galileans, Pilate, infirm woman, ruler of synagogue, Abraham, Satan, Isaac, Jacob, Pharisees, Herod.

Conclusion: Genuine repentance and faith toward Christ is the only avenue of escape from perishing. Nothing can be expected concerning barren and hypocritical lives except that they should be cut down and cast away. Not all who say «Lord, Lord» will find entrance to His kingdom, and to be bidden by Him that day to «depart» means hell. Those who would be saved must enter in at the strait gate, having undergone a change of heart.

Key Word: Hypocrites rejected, Luke 13:15; Luke 13:25; Luke 13:30; Luke 13:35.

Strong Verses: Luke 13:3; Luke 13:24; Luke 13:34.

Striking Facts: Luke 13:6-9. The fig tree symbolizes Israel in Christ's time (Psalms 80:8-16). Three years and more Jesus sought fruit of this tree and found none. Having produced all His credentials as Messiah, He made His triumphal entry with multitudes shouting «Hosanna,» but He knew they would shortly shout «crucify.» The next day He saw a fig tree and finding nothing but leaves, He cursed it. (Mark 11:12-14.) See Luke 13:34. This is Israel's condition «until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.»

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