Contents: Jesus' rebuke of blind Pharisees. The symbol of leaven interpreted. Peter's confession of the deity of Jesus. Jesus foretells His death and resurrection.

Characters: God, Jesus, Peter, Satan, disciples, John the Baptist, Elias, Jeremiah.

Conclusion: Jesus is the Son of God, the foundation stone of the church. He died for the sin of the world, arose for the justification of the believer and is coming back in glory to reward His own. The cross of Calvary was God's program for Him, essential for the salvation of men and all attempts to turn Him from it were Satan-inspired (as are all denials of its necessity today).

Key Word: Deity (Matthew 16:16); Death (Matthew 16:21); Resurrection (Matthew 16:4; Matthew 16:21); Descent (Matthew 16:27).

Strong Verses: Matthew 16:15; Matthew 16:24; Matthew 16:26.

Striking Facts: Note Matthew 16:17; Matthew 16:18. Jesus does not here infer that the church was to be built upon Peter but upon Himself, as just confessed by Peter (Matthew 16:16) (Cf. 1 Peter 2:4-9). In the Greek, the word «Petra» is in feminine form, denoting that the reference was not to Peter, but to his confession. The deity of Christ is the foundation doctrine of Christianity.

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