Contents: Christ and the divorce question. Little children blessed. The rich young ruler. Apostles' future place in the Kingdom.

Characters: God, Jesus, Peter, rich young ruler.

Conclusion: God Himself instituted the relationship between husband and wife, and those joined together by the ordinance of God are not to be put asunder by an ordinance of man, except for fornication. Nothing less than the almighty grace of God can enable a man taken up with the riches of this world to get into heaven. Riches, if they are under our feet, are stepping stones, but if upon our backs, are a curse.

Key Word: Divorce, Matthew 19:7. Riches, Matthew 19:24.

Strong Verses: Matthew 19:6; Matthew 19:9; Matthew 19:14; Matthew 19:24; Matthew 19:26; Matthew 19:29.

Striking Facts: Matthew 19:16; Matthew 19:17. It is not implied that Jesus was not good (John 8:46; John 14:30), but that He would not be called «good» by one who did not accept His deity, but looked upon Him merely as a man (Master«teacher») and put himself on the same level (Matthew 19:20). As God (Matthew 19:17) He is the expression of all good.

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