Contents: Greeting to Philemon. Intercession for Onesimus.

Characters: God, Christ, Timothy, Philemon, Apphia, Archippus, Paul, Epaphras, Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas.

Conclusion: Wise and good ministers of Jesus Christ will have great and tender care of young converts to encourage and hearten them, and get them received into the fellowship of the saints. There is a spiritual brotherhood between all true believers, however distinguished as to their station of life, and we should therefore seek to strengthen and help those who have been newly united to the Christian family.

Key Word: Reception (of Christians), Philemon 1:17.

Striking Facts: Philemon 1:17; Philemon 1:18. These verses furnish a perfect illustration of the doctrine of «imputation» whereby guilty sinners believing on Christ are received by the Father as identified with the Son, and the sins of the believing one are reckoned to the account of Christ who paid the price on Calvary.

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