Contents: The words of Agur.

Characters: God, Agur, Ithiel, Ucal.

Conclusion: God's Word is sure and pure, and venturing our souls upon it, we shall find it a shield against temptations, a safe protection in the midst of greatest dangers. God will certainly reckon with any who presume to add to His Word, or advance anything in competition with it.

Key Word: Proverbs, Proverbs 30:1.

Strong Verses: Proverbs 30:5; Proverbs 30:6.

Striking Facts: Proverbs 30:4. It is God who has gathered the winds in His fists and His name is «I am that I am» (Exodus 3:14), a name to be adored, not to be understood. He has a Son, Jesus Christ, whose name was to be called «Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, Prince of Peace.» By Him, God made all that was made, and by Him He controls all things.

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