Contents: David complains of great distress and begs God to succor him.

Characters: God, David.

Conclusion: When the waters of affliction rise about us, the only course is to commit the keeping of our souls to God, that we may be neither soured with discontent nor sink with despair. Our prospects are as bright as the promises of God.

Key Word: Deep waters, Psalms 69:2; Psalms 69:15.

Strong Verses: Psalms 69:13; Psalms 69:30.

Striking Facts: This Psalm has been called the psalm of Christ's humiliation and rejection. Psalms 69:14-20 describe His Gethsemane experience (Matthew 26:36-45). Psalms 69:21 describes the cross (Matthew 27:34-48). The present blindness of Israel is pictured in Psalms 69:22-28 (Romans 11:9-10). Psalms 69:25 pictures Judas (Acts 1:20) a type of his generation.

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