Contents: Things which shall be. Vision of the throne in heaven, the enthroned elders, the four living creatures and their worship with the elders because of creation.

Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, John, 24 elders.

Conclusion: The day is approaching when there shall be a shifting of scenes in heaven and God shall prepare to execute all His purposes toward the earth. Thundering black clouds shall gather for His last judgment upon the earth, but even in the darkness of that day a bow in the cloud will be seen reflecting the glory of God in the storm and reminding that God has not forgotten His covenants. In that day the saints in heaven will contrast the perfect rest of heaven with the troubled waters of earth and will give great glory to Him.

Key Word: Things coming to pass, Revelation 4:1.

Strong Verses: Revelation 4:11.

Striking Facts: Christ is not seen here upon the throne, but as having risen for the execution of other purposes which effect the establishment of His Messianic Kingdom. Heaven is preparing to execute judgment prior to Christ's coming with His saints to reign. The elders are seen identified with Him in the judgment about to be executed. May they not be the united royal priesthood, redeemed and glorified? The answer as to how they got there is not given here, but will be found answered as we proceed.

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