1 Corinthians 11:2

Ordinances - delivered [π α ρ α δ ο σ ε ι ς - π α ρ ε δ ω κ α]. There is a play of two hundred words, both being derived from paradidwmi to give over. Ordinances is a faulty rendering. Better, Rev., traditions. By these words Paul avoids any possible charge of imposing his own notions upon the Churc... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:4

Having his head covered [κ α τ α κ ε φ α λ η ς ε χ ω ν]. Lit., having something hanging down from his head. Referring to the tallith, a four - cornered shawl having fringes consisting of eight threads, each knotted five times, and worn over the head in prayer. It was placed upon the worshipper's hea... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:5

Her head uncovered. Rev., unveiled. The Greek women rarely appeared in public, but lived in strict seclusion. Unmarried women never quitted their apartments, except on occasions of festal processions, either as spectators or participants. Even after marriage they were largely confined to the gynaeco... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:7

Image and glory [ε ι κ ω ν κ α ι δ ο ξ α] For image, see on Revelation 13:14. Man represents God's authority by his position as the ruler of the woman. In the case of the woman, the word image is omitted, although she, like the man, is the image of God. Paul is expounding the relation of the woman,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:10

Power on her head [ε ξ ο υ σ ι α ν]. Not in the primary sense of liberty or permission, but authority. Used here of the symbol of power, i e., the covering upon the head as a sign of her husband's authority. So Rev., a sign of authority. Because of the angels. The holy angels, who were supposed by b... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:16

Custom. Not the custom of contentiousness, but that of women speaking unveiled. The testimonies of Tertullian and Chrysostom show that these injunctions of Paul prevailed in the churches. In the sculptures of the catacombs the women have a close - fitting head - dress, while the men have the hair sh... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:18

In the church [ε ν ε κ κ λ η σ ι α]. See on Matthew 16:18. Not the church edifice, a meaning which the word never has in the New Testament, and which appears first in patristic writings. The marginal rendering of the Rev. is better : in congregation.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:19

Heresies [α ι ρ ε σ ε ι ς]. See on 2 Peter 2:1. In Paul only here and Galatians 5:20. Better, parties or factions, as the result of the divisions.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:20

This is not [ο υ κ ε σ τ ι ν]. Rev., correctly, it is not possible. The Lord's Supper [κ υ ρ ι α κ ο ν δ ε ι π ν ο ν]. The emphasis is on Lord 's. Deipnon supper, represented the principal meal of the day, answering to the late dinner. The Eucharist proper was originally celebrated as a private expr... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:22

Them that have not. Not, that have not houses, but absolutely, the poor. In thus shaming their poorer comrades they imitated the heathen. Xenophon relates of Socrates that, at feasts of contribution, where some brought much and others little, Socrates bade his attendant either to place each small co... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:23

I received [ε γ ω π α ρ ε λ α β ο ν]. I is emphatic, giving the weight of personal authority to the statement. The question whether Paul means that he received directly from Christ, or mediately through the apostles or tradition, turns on a difference between two prepositions. Strictly, ajpo from or... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:24

Had given thanks [ε υ χ α ρ ι σ τ η ς]. Eucharistesas. Hence in post - apostolic and patristic writers, Eucharist was the technical term for the Lord's Supper as a sacrifice of thanksgiving for all the gifts of God, especially for the "unspeakable gift," Jesus Christ. By some of the fathers of the s... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:25

After supper. Only Luke records this detail. It is added to mark the distinction between the Lord's Supper and the ordinary meal. Testament [δ ι α θ η κ η]. Rev., correctly, covenant. See on Matthew 26:28. The Hebrew word is derived from a verb meaning to cut. Hence the connection of dividing the vi... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:26

Ye do shew [κ α τ α γ γ ε λ λ ε τ ε]. Rev., better, proclaim. It is more than represent or signify. The Lord's death is preached in the celebration of the Eucharist. Compare Exodus 13:8, thou shalt shew. In the Jewish passover the word Haggadah denoted the historical explanation of the meaning of th... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:29

Unworthily. Omit. Damnation [κ ρ ι μ α]. See on Mark 16:16; John 9:39. This false and horrible rendering has destroyed the peace of more sincere and earnest souls than any other misread passage in the New Testament. It has kept hundreds from the Lord's table. Krima is a temporary judgment, and so is... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:30

Weak and sickly. Physical visitations on account of profanation of the Lord's table. Many sleep [κ ο ι μ ω ν τ α ι ι κ α ν ο ι]. The word for many means, primarily, adequate, sufficient. See on Romans 14:23. Rev., not a few hardly expresses the ominous shading of the word : quite enough have died.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:31

We would judge [δ ι ε κ ρ ι ν ο μ ε ν]. An illustration of the confusion in rendering referred to under ver. 29. This is the same word as discerning in ver. 29, but the A. V. recognizes no distinction between it, and judged [ε κ ρ ι ν ο μ ε θ α] immediately following. Render, as Rev., if we discerne... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:32

When we are judged [κ ρ ι ν ο μ ε ν ο ι]. Correct. The same word as the last. With this construe by the Lord; not with chastened. The antithesis to judging ourselves is thus preserved. So Rev., in margin. Condemned [κ α τ α κ ρ ι θ ω μ ε ν]. Signifying the final condemnatory judgment; but in ver. 2... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:33

Tarry [ε κ δ ε χ ε σ θ ε]. In the usual New - Testament sense, as John 5:3; Acts 17:16; though in some cases the idea of expectancy is emphasized, as Hebrews 10:13; Hebrews 11:10; James 5:7. Some render receive ye one another, in contrast with despising the poorer guests; but this is not according t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 11:34

Will I set in order [δ ι α τ α ξ ο μ α ι]. Referring to outward, practical arrangements. See on Matthew 11:1, and compare ch. 1 Corinthians 9:14; 1 Corinthians 16:1; Galatians 3:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

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