Suffereth long [μ α κ ρ ο θ υ μ ε ι]. See on James 5:7.

Is kind [χ ρ η σ τ ε υ ε τ α ι]. Only here in the New Testament. See on crhstov, A. V., easy, Matthew 11:30, and crhstothv good, Romans 3:12. "The high charity which makes us servants Prompt to the counsel which controls the world." DANTE, "Paradiso," 21, 70, 71.

Vaunteth [π ε ρ π ε ρ ε υ ε τ α ι]. From perperov a braggart. Used of one who sounds his own praises. Cicero introduces a compound of the word in one of his letters to Atticus, describing his speech in the presence of Pompey, who had just addressed the senate on his return from the Mithridatic war. He says : "Heavens! How I showed off [ε ν ε π ε ρ π ε ρ ε υ σ α μ η ν] before my new auditor Pompey," and describes the various rhetorical tricks which he employed.

Puffed up [φ υ σ ι ο υ τ α ι]. See on ch. 1 Corinthians 4:6, and compare ch. 8 1. Of inward disposition, as the previous word denotes outward display. The opposite is put by Dante :

"That swells with love the spirit well - disposed." " Paradiso, " 10, 144.

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