1 Corinthians 14:3

To edification - exhortation - comfort [ο ι κ ο δ ο μ η ν - π α ρ α κ λ η σ ι ν - π α ρ α μ υ θ ι α ν]. Omit to. For edification see on build up, Acts 20:32. Exhortation, so American Rev. Rev., comfort. See on Luke 6:24. Paramuqia comfort, Rev., consolation, occurs only here in the New Testament. Pa... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:7

Voice [φ ω ν η ν]. See on sound, Romans 10:18. The sound generally. Used sometimes of sounds emitted by things without life, as a trumpet or the wind. See Matthew 24:31; John 3:8. Harp [κ ι θ α ρ α]. See on Revelation 5:8. Distinction [δ ι α σ τ ο λ η ν]. Proper modulation. Compare the use of the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:8

The trumpet [σ α λ π ι γ ξ]. Properly, a war - trumpet. Sound [φ ω ν η ν]. Rev., much better, voice, preserving the distinction between the mere sound of the trumpet and the modulated notes. The case might be illustrated by the bugle calls or points by which military commands are issued, as disting... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:10

Voices - without signification [φ ω ν ω ν - α φ ω ν ω ν]. The translation loses the word - play. So many kinds of voices, and no kind is voiceless. By voices are meant languages.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:11

Meaning [δ υ ν α μ ι ν]. Lit., force. Barbarian. Supposed to be originally a descriptive word of those who uttered harsh, rude accents - bar bar. Homer calls the Carians, barbarofwnoi barbar - voiced, harsh - speaking (" Illiad, "2, 867). Later, applied to all who did not speak Greek. Socrates, spe... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:12

Spiritual gifts [π ν ε υ μ α τ ω ν]. Lit., spirits. Paul treats the different spiritual manifestations as if they represented a variety of spirits. To an observer of the unseemly rivalries it would appear as if not one spirit, but different spirits, were the object of their zeal.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:13

Pray that he may interpret [π ρ ο σ ε υ χ ε σ θ ω ι ν α δ ι ε ρ μ η ν ε υ η]. Not, pray for the gift of interpretation, but use his unknown tongue in prayer, which, above all other spiritual gifts, would minister to the power of interpreting.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:14

Spirit [π ν ε υ μ α]. The human spirit, which is moved by the divine Spirit. See on Romans 8:4. Understanding [ν ο υ ς]. See on Romans 7:23. Is unfruitful [α κ α ρ π ο ς ε σ τ ι ν]. Furnishes nothing to others.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:15

I will sing [ψ α λ ω]. See on James 5:13. The verb, adw is also used for sing, Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; Revelation 5:9; Revelation 14:3. In the last two passages it is combined with playing on harps. In Ephesians 5:19 we have both verbs. The noun yalmov psalm (Ephesians 5:19; Colossi [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:16

The place [τ ο ν τ ο π ο ν]. Some explain of a particular seat in the assembly. Rather it expresses the condition of those who are unintelligent as regards the utterance in an unknown tongue. The unlearned [ι δ ι ω τ ο υ]. Only once outside of the Corinthian Epistles : Acts 4:13 (see note). In the S... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:20

Understanding [σ ρ ε σ ι ν]. Only here in the New Testament. Originally, in a physical sense, the diaphragm. Denoting the reasoning power on the reflective side, and perhaps intentionally used instead of nouv (ver. 15), which emphasizes the distinction from ecstasy. Children - be ye children [π α... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:21

It is written, etc. From Isaiah 28:11; Isaiah 28:12. The quotation does not correspond exactly either to the Hebrew or to the Septuagint. Heb., with stammerings of lip. Sept., By reason of contemptuous words of lips. Paul omits the Heb. : This is the rest, give ye rest to the weary, and this is the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:24

Convinced [ε λ ε γ χ ε τ α ι]. Of his sins. See on tell him his fault, Matthew 18:15; convinced, James 2:9; reproved, John 3:20. Rev., reproved : convicted in margin. Judged [α ν α κ ρ ι ν ε τ α ι]. Examined and judged. The word implies inquiry rather than sentence. Each inspired speaker, in his hea... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:27

By two, etc. That is, to the number of two or three at each meeting. 123 By course [α ν α μ ε ρ ο ς]. Rev., correctly, in turn. Edwards' explanation, antiphonally, is quite beside the mark.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:32

The spirits. The movements and manifestations of the divine Spirit in the human spirit, as in ch. 12 10. Are subject. "People speak as if the divine authority of the prophetic word were somehow dependent on, or confirmed by, the fact that the prophets enjoyed visions.... In the New Testament Paul l... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:33

Confusion [α κ α τ α σ τ α σ ι α ς]. See on commotions, Luke 21:9; and unruly, James 3:8. Compare 2 Corinthians 6:5. As in all the churches of the saints. Many connect these words with let the women, etc. The old arrangement is retained by Rev. and by Westcott and Hort, though the latter regard the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 14:38

Let him be ignorant [α γ ν ο ε ι τ ω]. Let him remain ignorant. The text is doubtful. Some read ajgnoeitai he is not known; i e., he is one whom God knows not.... [ Continue Reading ]

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