With excellency [κ α θ υ π ε ρ ο χ η ν]. Lit., according to
elevation or superiority. The noun occurs only here and 1 Timothy 2:2,
where it is rendered authority. The phrase expresses the mode of his
preaching. For similar adverbial phrases, see kaq uJperbolhn
exceedingly or according to excess, Rom... [ Continue Reading ]
Crucified. Emphatic. That which would be the main stumbling - block to
the Corinthians he would emphasize.... [ Continue Reading ]
I was with you [ε γ ε ν ο μ η ν π ρ ο ς υ μ α ς]. I
was is rather I became. I fell into a state of weakness, etc., after I
had come among you. With you, i e., in intercourse with. See on with
God, John 1:1. The implication is that his condition grew out of the
circumstances in which he found himself... [ Continue Reading ]
In demonstration [ε ν α π ο δ ε ι ξ ε ι]. Only here in the
New Testament. Lit., a showing forth.... [ Continue Reading ]
Wisdom. Emphatic. Lest his depreciation of worldly wisdom should
expose him and his companions to the charge of not preaching wisdom at
all, he shows that they do preach wisdom, though not of a worldly
kind, among matured Christians.
Them that are perfect [τ ο ι ς τ ε λ ε ι ο ι ς]. American
Rev., th... [ Continue Reading ]
In a mystery. Connect with we speak. See on Matthew 13:11; Romans
11:25; Romans 11:80 The in [ε ν] has a kind of instrumental force :
by means of a mystery; i e., by delivering a doctrine hidden from the
human understanding and revealed to us by God.... [ Continue Reading ]
Lord of glory. The Lord whose attribute is glory. Compare Psalms 29:1;
Acts 7:2; Ephesians 1:17; James 2:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
Eye hath not seen, etc. From Isaiah 64:4, freely rendered by
Septuagint. The Hebrew reads : "From of old men have not heard, not
perceived with the ear, eye has not seen a God beside Thee who does
(gloriously) for him who waits on Him." Septuagint, "From of old we
have not heard, nor have our eyes s... [ Continue Reading ]
Searcheth [ε ρ ε υ ν α]. See on John 5:39. Not, searcheth in
order to discover; but of the ever active, accurate, careful sounding
of the depths of God by the Spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]
Spirit [π ν ε υ μ α]. See on Romans 8:4. The things of God can
be recognized only by the highest element of the human personality.
They have not entered into the heart (kardia, see on Romans 1:21), but
into the spirit, which is the highest and principal point of contact
with the Spirit of God.... [ Continue Reading ]
The spirit of the world [τ ο π ν ε υ μ α τ ο υ κ ο σ μ
ο υ]. For this use of pneuma, see on Romans 8:4, under 7. Kosmov
world, is used with the ethical sense. See on John 1:9, under 4, e,
The phrase means the principle of evil which animates the unregenerate
world; not the personal spirit of evil or... [ Continue Reading ]
Not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth. Lit., not in the taught
words of human wisdom. Compare Plato : "Through love all the
intercourse and speech of God with man, whether awake or asleep, is
carried on. The wisdom which understands this is spiritual; all other
wisdom, such as that of arts an... [ Continue Reading ]
The natural man [ψ υ χ ι κ ο ς α ν θ ρ ω π ο ς]. See on
Romans 11:4, on the distinction between yuch soul, life, and pneuma
spirit. The contrast is between a man governed by the divine Spirit
and one from whom that Spirit is absent. But yucikov natural, is not
equivalent to sarkikov fleshy. Paul is... [ Continue Reading ]
Mind [ν ο υ ν]. See on Romans 7:23. The understanding of the Lord.
The divine counsels or purposes which are the results of the divine
thought. See on Romans 11:34.
Instruct [σ υ μ β ι β α σ ε ι]. See on proving, Acts 9:22.... [ Continue Reading ]