Eye hath not seen, etc. From Isaiah 64:4, freely rendered by Septuagint. The Hebrew reads : "From of old men have not heard, not perceived with the ear, eye has not seen a God beside Thee who does (gloriously) for him who waits on Him." Septuagint, "From of old we have not heard, nor have our eyes seen a God beside Thee, and Thy works which Thou wilt do for those who wait for mercy." Paul takes only the general idea from the Old - Testament passage. The words are not to be limited to future blessings in heaven. They are true of the present. Have entered [α ν ε β η]. Lit., went up. See on Acts 7:23. Compare Daniel 2:29, Sept.

Heart [κ α ρ δ ι α ν]. See on Romans 1:21.

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Old Testament