Make to offend [σ κ α ν δ α λ ι ζ ε ι]. See on Matthew 5:29. Rev., maketh to stumble.

Meat - flesh [β ρ ω μ α - κ ρ ε α]. The former food in general, the latter the special food which causes stumbling. Dr. South draws the distinction between a tender and a weak conscience. "Tenderness, applied to the conscience, properly imports quickness and exactness of sense, which is the perfection of this faculty.... Though the eye is naturally the most tender and delicate part of the body, yet is it not therefore called weak, so long as the sight is quick and strong.... A weak conscience is opposed to a strong; which very strength, we shew, consisted in the tenderness or quickness of its discerning or perceptive power" (Sermon 29, " A True State and Account of the Plea of a Tender Conscience ").

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Old Testament