1 Corinthians 9:1
Seen Jesus. See ch. 1 Corinthians 14:8; Acts 9:17; Acts 18:9; Acts 22:17; Acts 22:18; 2 Corinthians 12:1 sqq. Compare Acts 22:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
Seen Jesus. See ch. 1 Corinthians 14:8; Acts 9:17; Acts 18:9; Acts 22:17; Acts 22:18; 2 Corinthians 12:1 sqq. Compare Acts 22:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
Seal [σ φ ρ α γ ι ς]. See on Romans 4:11; John 3:33; Revelation 22:10.... [ Continue Reading ]
Answer [α π ο λ ο γ ι α]. See on 1 Peter 3:15. Examine [α ν α κ ρ ι ν ο υ σ ι ν]. See on Luke 23:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
Eat - drink. At the expense of the churches. Compare Luke 10:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
A sister, a wife. Wrong Sister means a christian woman, a fellow - member of the Church, as Romans 16:1; 1 Corinthians 7:15; James 2:15. It is in apposition with wife : A wife that is a sister on believer. So Rev. Such an one has also the right, like her husband, to be maintained by the Church. Some... [ Continue Reading ]
Barnabas. The only mention of Barnabas along with Paul since the quarrel, Acts 14:39. Forbear working. For their own support. Ergazesqai to work, is the regular word for manual labor. See Matthew 21:28; Acts 18:3. See on 3 John 1:5; and trade, Revelation 18:17.... [ Continue Reading ]
Goeth a warfare [σ τ ρ α τ ε υ ε τ α ι]. The "a" in a warfare is the abbreviated preposition on or in, as a coming, afield, going a pilgrimage. In the Geneva Bible, Deuteronomy 24:5 is rendered, "When a man taketh a newe wife, he shal not go a warfare." So Froissart : "He was not in good poynt to ri... [ Continue Reading ]
As a man [κ α τ α α ν θ ρ ω π ο ν]. Rev., after the manner of men. See on Romans 3:5. The formula occurs six times in Paul's epistles. The question introduces another kind of evidence - that from Scripture. I will not confine myself to illustrations from human affairs. I will appeal to Scripture.... [ Continue Reading ]
Muzzle [φ ι μ ω σ ε ι ς]. See on Matthew 22:12; Matthew 22:34; Mark 4:39. Some texts read khmwseiv a muzzle, from khmov a muzzle See Deuteronomy 25:4. Ox - treadeth. The custom of driving the oxen over the corn strewed on the ground or on a paved area, was an Egyptian one. In later times the Jews us... [ Continue Reading ]
Altogether [π α ν τ ω ς]. Better, as Rev., in margin, as He doubtless doth, or, as American Rev., assuredly. In hope [ε π ε λ π ι δ ι]. See on Romans 8:21. Resting on hope. Compare Aeschylus : "When hope has raised me up on strength [ε π α λ κ α ς]; i e. elated me with confidence" (" Choephoroe, ... [ Continue Reading ]
Power [ε ξ ο υ σ ι α ς]. Rev., correctly, right. The right to claim maintenance. Suffer [σ τ ε γ ο μ ε ν]. Rev., bear. The primary meaning is to cover. So some render ch. 13 7, covereth for beareth. Hence to protect by covering, as with a tight ship or roof. So Aesehylus, of a ship : "The wooden hou... [ Continue Reading ]
Minister [ε ρ γ α ζ ο μ ε ν ο ι]. Lit, work or perform. Never in classical Greek of being engaged in sacred rites. Wait [π α ρ ε δ ρ ε υ ο ν τ ε ς]. Etymologically akin to paredrov sitting beside. See on ch. 1 Corinthians 7:35. Ony here in the New Testament. Altar [θ υ σ ι α σ τ η ρ ι ω]. See on A... [ Continue Reading ]
For if l do this thing willingly, etc. The exact line of Paul's thought is a matter of much discussion, and must be determined if we are to understand the force of the several words. It appears to be as follows : He has been speaking of the fact that he preaches at his own cost. He so glories in thi... [ Continue Reading ]
Abuse [κ α τ α χ ρ η σ α σ θ α ι]. See on ch. 1 Corinthians 7:31. Rev., correctly, use to the full.... [ Continue Reading ]
Made myself servant [ε δ ο υ λ ω σ α]. Rev., brought myself under bondage; better, as bringing out the force of doulov bond - servant, from which the word is derived, and thus according with stewardship, ver. 17. Gain [κ ε δ η σ ω]. Carrying out the thought of servant in ver. 18. "He refuses payment... [ Continue Reading ]
Them that are under the law. The distinction between this class and Jews is differently explained. Some, Jews, viewed nationally; under the law, viewed religiously. Others, Jews by origin, and Gentile proselytes. Others understand by those under the law, rigid Jews, Pharisees. The first explanation... [ Continue Reading ]
Without law [α ν ο μ ο ς]. As one of the Gentiles. By intercourse with them, relinquishment of Jewish observances, and adapting his teaching to their modes of thought. See Acts 17. Under law [ε ν ν ο μ ο ς]. The expression differs from that in ver. 20, uJpo nomon under law, though with only a shade... [ Continue Reading ]
Weak. In faith and christian discernment. Compare ch. 8 7 sqq.; Romans 14:1; Romans 14:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
In a race [ε ν σ τ α δ ι ω]. Or, better, in a race - course. From isthmi to place or establish. Hence a stated distance; a standard of length. In all other New - Testament passages it is used of a measure of length, and is rendered furlong, representing 606. 75 English feet. From the fact that the r... [ Continue Reading ]
Striveth for the mastery [α γ ω ν ι ζ ο μ ε ν ο ς]. Better, Rev., striveth in the games, thus preserving the metaphor. The word was the regular term for contending in the arena or on the stage. Is temperate [ε γ κ ρ α τ ε υ ε τ α ι]. Only here and ch. 7 9. The candidate for the races was required to... [ Continue Reading ]
Uncertainly [α δ η λ ω ς]. Only here in the New Testament. The kindred adjective adhlov not manifest, occurs Luke 11:44 (see note) and 1 Corinthians 14:8. Compare also ajdhlothv uncertainty, 1 Timothy 6:17. He runs with a clear perception of his object, and of the true manner and result of his striv... [ Continue Reading ]
I keep under [υ π ω π ι α ζ ω]. A feeble translation, and missing the metaphor. The word means to strike under the eye; to give one a black eye. It occurs elsewhere in the New Testament but once, Luke 18:5 (see note). Rev., I buffet. The blow of the trained boxer was the more formidable from the use... [ Continue Reading ]