Beloved. Again the recognition of danger from false spirits prompts
this affectionate address. Compare 1 John 3:21.
Try [δ ο κ ι μ α ζ ε τ ε]. Better, as Rev., prove. See on 1
Peter 1:7; Luke 12:55. Compare the phrase discerning of spirits, 1
Corinthians 12:10.
Of God [ε κ]. Out of : proceeding fr... [ Continue Reading ]
Hereby [ε ν τ ο υ τ ω]. See on 2 3.
Know ye [γ ι ν ω σ κ ε τ ε]. Perceive. See on John 2:24.
Confesseth [ο μ ο λ ο γ ε ι]. See on Matthew 7:23; Matthew
That Jesus Christ is come in the flesh [ι η σ ο υ ν χ ρ ι σ
τ ο ν ε ν σ α ρ κ ι ε λ η λ υ θ ο τ α]. Lit., Jesus
Christ having come, etc. T... [ Continue Reading ]
Is come in the flesh. Omit. Render, confesseth not Jesus. So Rev. An
ancient reading is luei ton Ihsoun annulleth or destroyeth Jesus. "
The simple Jesus emphasizes the humanity of our Lord considered in
itself. See Romans 3:26; Romans 10:9; 2 Corinthians 11:4; Ephesians
4:21; Hebrews 2:9. This [τ ο... [ Continue Reading ]
Have overcome. See on 2 13.
Greater. Compare 1 John 3:20.
In you. The Christian society. Compare John 6:56; John 14:20; John
14:4-10; John 17:23; John 17:26; Galatians 2:20 (of the individual).
He that is in the world. In 1 John 5:19, the world is said to be in
the evil one. Compare... [ Continue Reading ]
Of the world [ε κ τ ο υ κ ο σ μ ο υ]. Proceeding from, as
their source [ε κ]. Different from ejk thv ghv from the earth (John
3:31), as marking the whole worldly economy morally considered.
Speak they of the world (ejk tou kosmou lalousin) An ambiguous
rendering, which might readily be interpreted... [ Continue Reading ]
He that knoweth [ο γ ι ν ω σ κ ω ν]. Lit., the one knowing :
he who is habitually and ever more clearly perceiving and recognizing
God as his Christian life unfolds. The knowledge is regarded as
progressive and not complete. Compare Philippians 3:12, and He who is
calling (oJ kalwn, 1 Thessalonians... [ Continue Reading ]
Of God [ε κ τ ο υ θ ε ο υ]. Flows from God.... [ Continue Reading ]
Knoweth not [ο υ κ ε γ ν ω]. The aroist tense : did not know,
from the beginning. He never knew.
Is love [α γ α π η ε σ τ ι. ν]. See on God is light (i. 5),
and the truth (i. 6); also God is spirit (John 4:24). Spirit and light
are expressions of God's essential nature. Love is the expression of
Hi... [ Continue Reading ]
Was manifested. See on John 21:1; 1 John 3:5.
Toward us [ε ν η μ ι ν]. Wrong. Not "among us," as John 1:14,
nor "in us;" but as Rev., in margin, in our case. 67 Sent [α π ε σ
τ α λ κ ε ν]. John describes the incarnation as a sending, more
frequently than in any other way. Apostellw is to send under... [ Continue Reading ]
Propitiation. See on 2 2.... [ Continue Reading ]
So [ο υ τ ω ς]. Emphatic.
We ought. See on 2 6.... [ Continue Reading ]
God. Beginning the sentence emphatically, and without the article :
God as God. "God hath no man ever yet seen." Compare John 1:18.
His love. Not our love to Him, nor His love to us, but the love which
is peculiarly His; which answers to His nature.... [ Continue Reading ]
We have seen [π ε θ ε α μ ε θ α]. Have deliberately and
steadfastly contemplated. Compare 1 John 1:1, and see on John 1:14.
Do testify [μ α ρ τ υ ρ ο υ μ ε ν]. Rev., bear witness. See
on John 1:7. Sent. See on ver. 9.
The Savior of the world. See the same phrase, John 4:42, and compare
John 3:17. S... [ Continue Reading ]
Whosoever [ο ς ε α ν]. Lit., who if there be any.
Shall confess. See on 1 9.
Son of God. See on 1 7.... [ Continue Reading ]
The love which God hath. On this use of ecein to have, see on John
16:22. Compare John 8:35.
To us [ε ν η μ ι ν]. Rev., in us. Compare God abideth in Him.
Dwelleth in love, etc. See John 14:9; John 14:10. Rev., abideth.... [ Continue Reading ]
Herein [ε ν τ ο υ τ ω]. To what does this refer? Two
explanations are given. (1.) To the following that we may have
boldness. So Huther, who argues thus on the ground that ver. 18 shows
that the drift of the writer's thought is toward the fearlessness of
love. According to this, therefore, love has... [ Continue Reading ]
There is no fear in love [φ ο β ο ς ο υ κ ε σ τ ι ν ε ν
τ η α γ α π η]. Lit., fear is not. It has no existence. The
fear is that spoken of in 1 Peter 1:17; Hebrews 12:28; godly fear;
filial reverence; not slavish fear, as Romans 8:15. In love, lit., the
love, that perfected love of which John has be... [ Continue Reading ]
We love Him [η μ ε ι ς α γ α π ω μ ε ν α υ τ ο ν].
The best texts omit Him. Some render let us love, as ver. 7. The
statement is general, relating to the entire operation of the
principle of love. All human love is preceded and generated by the
love of God.... [ Continue Reading ]
He that loveth not his brother, etc. Note the striking inversion of
the clauses : He that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, God
whom he hath not seen cannot love.
How. The best tests omit, and give the direct statement cannot love.
So Rev.... [ Continue Reading ]
That [ι ν α]. Not defining the contents of the commandment, but
expressing intent. Compare John 13:34, and see on John 14:13. His
brother. "To the persecutor Saul, Christ said, 'Saul, Saul, why
persecutest thou Me? I have ascended into heaven, yet still I lie upon
earth. Here I sit at the right hand... [ Continue Reading ]