Arm yourselves [ο π λ ι σ α σ θ ε]. Only here in New
Testament. The thought is Pauline. See Romans 13:12; 2 Corinthians
6:7; Ephesians 6:10; Ephesians 6:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:8; Colossians
Mind [ε ν ν ο ι α ν]. Only here and Hebrews 4:12. Literally the
word means thought, and so some render it... [ Continue Reading ]
Live [β ι ω σ α ι]. Only here in New Testament.
The rest of the time [ε π ι λ ο ι π ο ν]. Only here in New
Testament.... [ Continue Reading ]
For the time past, etc. Compare Romans 13:13. Us [η μ ι ν]. The
best texts omit.
Of our life [τ ο υ β ι ο υ]. The best texts omit.
Will (boulhma, the better reading for qelhma). Desire, inclination.
See on Matthew 1:19.
When we walked [π ε π ο ρ ε υ μ ε ν ο υ ς]. Rev.,
rightly, ye walked. Constru... [ Continue Reading ]
Run not with them. "In a troop" (Bengel); like a band of revellers.
See above. Compare Ovid's description of the Bacchic rites :
"Lo, Baccus comes! and with the festive cries Resound the fields; and
mixed in headlong rout, Men, matrons, maids, paupers, and nobles
proud, To the mysterious rites are... [ Continue Reading ]
That is ready [ε τ ο ι μ ω ς ε χ ο ν τ ι]. Lit, having
himself in readiness; there at God's right hand in heaven, wither he
has gone (ch. 3 22). Implying, also, a near judgment. Compare ver. 7.... [ Continue Reading ]
Is at hand [η γ γ ι κ ε ν]. Lit., has come near. The word
constantly used of the coming of Christ and his kingdom. See Matthew
3:2; Mark 1:15; Luke 10:9; Hebrews 10:25.
Be ye sober [σ ω φ ρ ο ν η σ α τ ε]. The word is from swv,
sound, and frhn, the mind. Therefore, as Rev., be ye of sound mind.
Com... [ Continue Reading ]
Fervent [ε κ τ ε ν η]. See, on the kindred adverb fervently,
notes on ch. 1 22.
Love covereth, etc. Compare James 5:20; Proverbs 10:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
Using hospitality. Compare Romans 13:13.... [ Continue Reading ]
A gift [χ α ρ ι σ μ α]. Originally, something freely given : a
gift of grace [χ α ρ ι ς]. Used in New Testament (a) of a
blessing of God graciously bestowed, as upon sinners (Romans 5:15;
Romans 5:16; Romans 11:29); (b) of a gracious divine endowment : an
extraordinary gift of the Holy Spirit dwelli... [ Continue Reading ]
Oracles [λ ο γ ι α]. In classical Greek, of the oracular
responses of heathen deities. Here, divine utterances or revelations.
Compare Acts 7:38; Romans 3:2; Hebrews 5:12.
Giveth [χ ο ρ η γ ε ι]. Only here and 2 Corinthians 9:10. Peter
uses the compound ejpicorhgew, furnish, in 2 Peter 1:5; which s... [ Continue Reading ]
Think it not strange [μ η ξ ε ν ι ζ ε σ θ ε]. i e., alien
from you and your condition as Christians. Compare 1 Peter 5:4.
Fiery trial [π υ ρ ω σ ε ι]. The word means burning. In
Proverbs 27:21 (Sept.), it is rendered furnace. In Psalms 45 (Sept.),
46 (A. V.), we read, "Thou, O God, hast proved us :... [ Continue Reading ]
Inasmuch as ye are partakers. Compare Romans 8:17.
Be glad with exceeding joy [χ α ρ η τ ε α γ α λ λ ι ω μ
ε ν ο ι]. Lit., ye may rejoice exulting. See on ch. 1 Peter 1:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
The spirit of glory and of God [τ ο τ η ς δ ο ξ η ς κ α ι
τ ο τ ο υ θ ε ο υ π ν ε υ μ α]. Lit., the spirit of
glory and that of God. The repetition of the article identifies the
spirit of God with the spirit of glory : the spirit of glory, and
therefore the spirit of God : who is none other than the... [ Continue Reading ]
A busybody in other men's matters [α λ λ ο τ ρ ι ο ε π ι σ
κ ο π ο ς]. Only here in New Testament. Lit., the overseer of
another's matters. One who usurps authority in matters not within his
province. Rev., meddler. Compare Luke 12:13; Luke 12:14; 1
Thessalonians 4:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:11. It may r... [ Continue Reading ]
A Christian. Only three times in the New Testament, and never as a
name used by Christians themselves, but as a nickname or a term of
reproach. See on Acts 11:26. Hence Peter's idea is, if any man suffer
from the contumely of those who contemptuously style him Christian.... [ Continue Reading ]
Commit [π α ρ α τ ι θ ε σ θ ω σ α ν]. Give in charge as
a deposit. Compare Luke 12:48; Acts 20:32; 1 Timothy 1:18. The word is
used by Christ in commending his soul to God (Luke 23:46).
Well - doing [α γ α θ ο π ο ι ι α]. Only here in New
Testament. Compare ch. 2 14. The surrender to God is to be c... [ Continue Reading ]