I exhort [π α ρ α κ α λ ω]. See on consolation, Luke 6:24.

First of all [π ρ ω τ ο ν π α ν τ ω ν]. Connect with I exhort. The only instance of this phrase in N. T.

Supplications be made [π ο ι ε ι σ θ α ι δ ε η σ ε ι ς]. The phrase occurs Luke 5:33; Philippians 1:4. o LXX o Class. Dehsiv is petitionary prayer. Proseuch prayer is limited to prayer to God, while dehsiv may be addressed to men. The two are associated, 1 Timothy 5:5 : the inverse order, Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6.

Intercessions [ε υ ν τ ε υ ξ ε ι ς]. Only here and ch. 4 5. LXX, 2 Macc. 4 8. The verb ejntugcanein, commonly rendered to make intercession, Romans 8:27; Romans 8:34; Romans 11:2; and uJperentugcanein to intercede in behalf of, Romans 8:26. The verb signifies to fall in with a person; to draw near so as to converse familiarly. Hence, enteuxiv is not properly intercession in the accepted sense of that term, but rather approach to God in free and familiar prayer. Entugcanein in the passages cited is not to make intercession, but to intervene, interfere. Thus in Romans 8:26, it is not that the Spirit pleads in our behalf, but that he throws himself into our case; takes part in it. So Hebrews 8:25 : not that Jesus is ever interceding for us, but that he is eternally meeting us at every point, and intervening in al our affairs for our benefit. In ejnteuxeiv here the idea of interposition is prominent : making prayers a factor in relations with secular rulers.

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