Do good [α γ α θ ο ε ρ γ ε ι ν]. In this uncontracted form, N. T. o. o LXX, o Class. Comp. Acts 14:17. The usual word is ajgaqopoiein, see Mark 3:4; Luke 6:9; Luke 6:33; Luke 6:35; 1 Peter 2:15. o P. who has ejrgazesqai to ajgaqon to work that which is good, Romans 2:10; Galatians 6:10; Ephesians 4:28. Good works [ε ρ γ ο ι ς κ α λ ο ι ς]. For kalov see on ch. 1 Timothy 3:7, and John 10:11 : for ajgaqov on Romans 5:7.

Ready to distribute [ε υ μ ε τ α δ ο τ ο υ ς]. N. T. o. o LXX, o Class. For the verb metadidonai to impart to the poor, see Luke 3:11; Ephesians 4:28. Willing to communicate [κ ο ι ν ω ν ι κ ο υ ς]. N. T. o. o LXX See on fellowship, Acts 2:48, and comp. koinwnein to partake, 1 Timothy 5:22, and koinov common, Titus 1:14. Stronger than the preceding word, as implying a personal share in the pleasure imparted by the gift.

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