Timothy our brother. Lit., the brother. Compare 1 Corinthians 1:1.
Well known in the Christian brotherhood. When Paul writes to Timothy
himself he calls him son " (Bengel). Timothy appears, not as
amanuensis, nor as joint - author, but as joint - sender of the
Achaia. See on 1 Corinthians... [ Continue Reading ]
The Father of mercies [ο π α τ η ρ τ ω ν ο ι κ τ ι ρ μ
ω ν]. Equivalent to the compassionate Father. Compare the phrases
Father of glory, Ephesians 1:17; spirits, Hebrews 12:9; lights, James
1:17. Oijktirmov mercy, from oiktov pity or mercy, the feeling which
expresses itself in the exclamation oi o... [ Continue Reading ]
In all our tribulation - in any trouble [ε π ι π α σ η τ η θ
λ ι ψ ε ι η μ ω ν - ε ν π α σ η θ λ ι ψ ε ι].
Note the nice use of the article : all our tribulation, collectively;
any or every trouble, specifically. In is literally upon; the trouble
forming the ground of the comfort. So in hope, Romans... [ Continue Reading ]
Sufferings of Christ. Not things suffered for Christ's sake, but
Christ's own sufferings as they are shared by His disciples. See
Matthew 20:22; Philippians 3:10; Colossians 1:24; 1 Peter 4:13. Note
the peculiar phrase abound [π ε ρ ι σ σ ε υ ε ι] in us, by
which Christ's sufferings are represented... [ Continue Reading ]
And whether we be, etc. The MSS. differ in their arrangement of this
verse. The main points of difference may be seen by comparing the A.
V. and Rev. The sense is not affected by the variation.
Is effectual [ε ν ε ρ γ ο υ μ ε ν η ς]. See on Mark 6:14;
James 5:16.... [ Continue Reading ]
We would not have you ignorant. See on Romans 1:13.
Came to us in Asia. Rev., better, befell. The nature of the trouble is
uncertain. The following words seem to indicate inward distress rather
than trouble from without, such as he experienced at Ephesus.
Were pressed out of measure [κ α θ υ π ε ρ... [ Continue Reading ]
Sentence of death [α π ο κ ρ ι μ α τ ο υ θ α ν α τ ο
υ]. Apokrima, occurs only here in the New Testament, and not in
classical Greek nor in the Septuagint. In the latter the kindred words
have, almost uniformly, the meaning of answer. Josephus used it of a
response of the Roman senate. Sentence, whi... [ Continue Reading ]
Persons [π ρ ο σ ω π ω ν]. Face is the usual rendering of the
word in the New Testament. Even when rendered person the usage is
Hebraistic for face. See on James 2:1 There is no reason for
abandoning that sense here. The expression is pictorial; that
thanksgiving may be given from many faces; the ch... [ Continue Reading ]
Godly sincerity [ε ι λ ι κ ρ ι ν ε ι α τ ο υ θ ε ο
υ]. Lit., sincerity of God, as Rev. See on 2 Peter 3:1.
We have had our conversation [α ν ε σ τ ρ α φ η μ ε ν].
Rev., behaved ourselves. See on 1 Peter 1:15.... [ Continue Reading ]
Read - acknowledge [α ν α γ ι ν ω σ κ ε τ ε - ε π ι γ
ι ν ω σ κ ε τ ε]. The word - play cannot be reproduced in
English.... [ Continue Reading ]
In part [α π ο μ ε ρ ο υ ς]. Referring to the partial
understanding of his character and motives by the Corinthians.
15 Before [π ρ ο τ ε ρ ο ν]. Rather, first of all. Instead of
going first to the Macedonians, as he afterward decided. See 1
Corinthians 16:5.
Second benefit (deuteran carin). Benef... [ Continue Reading ]
Did I use lightness [τ η ε λ α φ ρ ι α ε χ ρ η σ α μ
η ν]. Rev., shew fickleness. Elafria, lightness, only here in the
New Testament.
Compare ejlafrov light, Matthew 11:30; 2 Corinthians 4:17. His change
of plan had given rise to the charge of fickleness.
The yea, yea, and the nay, nay. That I sho... [ Continue Reading ]
As God is true [π ι σ τ ο ς ο θ ε ο ς]. Not to be taken as
a formula of swearing. He means that God will answer for him against
the charge of fickleness by the power and blessing (benefit) which
will attend his presence. Hence the meaning is : faithful is God (in
this) that our speech, etc.... [ Continue Reading ]
Was not [ο υ κ ε γ ε ν ε τ ο]. Rather, did not prove to be,
in the result. In Him was yea [ν α ι ε ν α υ τ ω γ ε γ ο
ν ε ν]. Lit., yea has come to pass in Him. He has shown Himself
absolutely the truth. Compare John 14:6; Revelation 3:7; Revelation
3:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
All [ο σ α ι]. Wrong. As many as.
Are yea, etc. Making this the predicate of promises, which is wrong.
The meaning is that how many soever are God's promises, in Christ is
the incarnate answer, "yea!" to the question, "Will they be
fulfilled?" Hence Rev., correctly : How many soever be the promises... [ Continue Reading ]
Stablisheth - in Christ [β ε β α ι ω ν - ε ι ς]. The present
participle with eijv into indicates the work as it is in progress
toward a final identification of the believers with Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
Sealed [σ φ ρ α γ ι σ α μ ε ν ο ς]. See on John 3:33;
Revelation 22:10. Earnest [α ρ ρ α β ω ν α]. Only here, ch. 5
5, and Ephesians 1:14. It means caution - money, deposited by a
purchaser in pledge of full payment.
Of the Spirit. Not the foretaste or pledge of the Spirit, but the
Spirit Himself i... [ Continue Reading ]
I call God for a record [τ ο ν θ ε ο ν ε π ι κ α λ ο υ
μ α ι]. Rev., better, witness. A common classical idiom. Compare
Plato : "Next will follow the choir of young men under the age of
thirty, who will call upon the God Paean to testify to the truth of
these words" (" Laws, "664). Homer :" For the... [ Continue Reading ]