Vincent's Word Studies in the NT
2 Corinthians 10:6
To avenge all disobedience, etc. The military metaphor continued. After most have surrendered and thus fulfilled their obedience, some rebels may remain, and these will be punished.
To avenge all disobedience, etc. The military metaphor continued. After most have surrendered and thus fulfilled their obedience, some rebels may remain, and these will be punished.
Verse 2 Corinthians 10:6. _AND HAVING IN A READINESS TO REVENGE ALL_ _DISOBEDIENCE_] I am ready, through this mighty armour of God, to punish those opposers of the doctrine of Christ, and the disobedi...
AND HAVING IN A READINESS ... - I am ready to punish all disobedience, notwithstanding all that is said to the contrary; see the notes on 2 Corinthians 10:1. Clothed as I am with this power; aiming to...
III. THE APOSTLE'S SELF-DEFENSE AND VINDICATION. CHAPTER S 10-13 1. The Vindication of His Authority CHAPTER 10 The apostle now turns to vindicate the authority, which he had received from the Lord....
A WARNING TO THOSE WHO MISUNDERSTAND AND MISREPRESENT PAUL. The abruptness and emphasis of the opening words, as well as their want of connexion with what precedes, are best explained on the hypothesi...
It is I Paul who call upon you--and I am doing it in the gentleness and the sweet reasonableness of Christ--I, who, as you say, am a poor creature when I am with you, but a man of courage when I am ab...
PAUL BEGINS TO ANSWER HIS CRITICS (2 Corinthians 10:1-6)...
REVENGE. avenge. Greek. _ekdikeo_. See Luke 18:3, and Compare 2 Corinthians 7:11. DISOBEDIENCE. Greek. _parakoe._ See Romans 5:19. FULFILLED. Greek. _pleroo._ App-125....
_and having in a readiness_ The expression is equivalent to our _holding ourselves in readiness_. _to revenge_ Better, TO AVENGE. Literally, TO DO JUSTICE, EXECUTE SENTENCE upon. _when your obedience...
ἘΝ ἙΤΟΊΜΩΙ ἜΧΟΝΤΕΣ ἘΚΔΙΚΗ͂ΣΑΙ ΠΑ͂ΣΑΝ ΠΑΡΑΚΟΉΝ, Κ.Τ.Λ. BEING _in readiness to_ AVENGE _all disobedience_, WHENEVER _your obedience_ SHALL BE _fulfilled, i.e_. shall have been completed. The Apostle wil...
_PAUL STATED HIS APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY 2 CORINTHIANS 10:1-6:_ False teachers at Corinth accused Paul of being a coward when he was with them and brave when he was far away from them. Paul wanted it unde...
ΈΤΟΙΜΟΣ (G2092) готовый. Используется с ΈΧΟΝΤΕΣ _praes. act. part. от_ ΈΧ (G2192) иметь; здесь в _знач._ быть готовым, подготовленным. ΈΚΔΙΚΉΣΑΙ _aor. act. inf. от_ ΈΚΔΙΚΈΩ (G1556) наказывать, мстить...
AND HAVING IN A READINESS, &C.— Those whom the Apostle here addresses are the Corinthian converts, who had been too much influenced by the false apostle. Of _him_ the Apostle seems to have no hopes, c...
BUTLER'S COMMENTARY SECTION 1 Spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:1-6) 10 I, Paul, myself entreat you, by the meekness and gentleness of ChristI who am humble when face to face with you, but bold to you whe...
And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. Translate, 'Having ourselves (i:e., being) in readiness to exact punishment for all disobedience,' etc. WHE...
5 God has no need. Gifts acceptable to Him must spring from a pure motive is better not to give at all than to give with a heavy heart or from an unworthy motive. Extortion, whether by appeals to prid...
DISOBEDIENCE] There may be some contumacious to the bitter end....
PARAPHRASE. 'We live in the flesh, and are subject to its weaknesses and temptations, like others; but we are not prompted by fleshly motives, such as dread of giving offence, or desire of popularity....
(_B_) CHAPTER S 10-13. ST. PAUL'S DEFENCE OF HIS MINISTRY As explained in the Introduction, this section is regarded as part of the intermediate letter, referred to in 2 Corinthians 2:3 and 2 Corinthi...
GOD SHOWS HIS POWER WHEN WE ARE WEAK 2 CORINTHIANS _PHILIP SMITH_ CHAPTER 10 V1 I, Paul make an appeal to you by the *gentleness and kindness of Christ. When I am with you, you suppose me to be w...
AND HAVING IN A READINESS TO REVENGE ALL DISOBEDIENCE. — The idiom, _having in a readiness,_ is perhaps, somewhat too archaic, and it might be better to render _being ready,_ or _holding ourselves rea...
CHAPTER 22 WAR. 2 Corinthians 10:1 (R.V) THE last four Chapter s of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians stand as manifestly apart as the two about the collection. A great deal too much has been ma...
HE BEGS THEM NOT TO FORCE HIM TO EXERT HIS AUTHORITY WITH SEVERITY WHEN HE COMES. He first expresses the hope that their conduct will be such as to admit of his being “meek and gentle” when he arrives...
καὶ ἐν ἑτοίμῳ ἔχοντες κ. τ. λ.: _and being in readiness_ (_cf._ ἑτοίμως ἔχω chap. 2 Corinthians 12:14) _to avenge all disobedience_ (_cf._ Matthew 18:17), _sc._, if there remain any still disobedient,...
MIGHTY WITH SPIRITUAL WEAPONS 2 Corinthians 10:1 Paul here makes his defense. Some who resisted his authority spoke disparagingly of his weak body and uneloquent speech. Why should they yield so abso...
Here begins the third division of the epistle, in which the writer vindicates his authority. Here he seems to have more especially in mind the minority who have been opposed to him. While walking in t...
VERSE 6 The power previously mentioned, was going to be used by Paul to punish those who insisted on disobeying God's inspired apostle. He did, however, pause to give all those who would obey a chance...
Having in readiness. God gave power, not only to persuade, and to convince the incredulous, but also to punish them, as we see in the examples of Simon Magus and Elymas. What then should hinder him fr...
Who in presence indeed am lowly. [1] Literally, humble, (see Luke i. ver. 48.) that is, of a mean aspect, as to exterior appearances, and my speech contemptible, without the ornaments of human eloquen...
(4) (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;) (5) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the kno...
2 Corinthians 1:1-24. It is impossible to read the two epistles to the Corinthians with the smallest care without perceiving the strong contrast between the wounded tone of the first epistle (the hear...
6._And are in readiness to avenge. _This he adds, lest insolent men should presumptuously lift themselves up in opposition to his ministry, as if they could do so with impunity. Hence he says, that po...
The apostle returns to the subject which pre-occupied him his connections with the Corinthians, and the truth of his apostleship, which was questioned by those who seduced them, throwing contempt on h...
AND HAVING IN A READINESS TO REVENGE ALL DISOBEDIENCE,.... Not with the temporal sword, as the civil magistrate, but with the spiritual one; meaning either censures and excommunication, which a faithf...
And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. Ver. 6. _And having in a readiness_] Vengeance is every whit as ready in God's hand, as in the minister's mout...
_Casting down imaginations_ Λογισμους καθαιρουντες, literally, _demolishing reasonings_, namely, such as were fallacious and sophistical, by which vain men endeavoured to controvert, disprove, or even...
TO REVENGE; punish by virtue of our apostolic authority. YOUR OBEDIENCE IS FULFILLED; when you, who are true to Christ and his cause, have had opportunity to approve yourselves by your obedience....
AND HAVING IN A READINESS TO REVENGE ALL DISOBEDIENCE WHEN YOUR OBEDIENCE IS FULFILLED. While Titus had brought encouraging news from Corinth with regard to the case of church discipline and the conti...
PAUL'S APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY. Paul does not care to use his authority with severity:...
Though his First Epistle had had good effect upon "the many" at Corinth, yet Paul finds it necessary, as led of the Spirit of God, to earnestly press the serious matter of God's establishing him as an...
1-6 While others thought meanly, and spake scornfully of the apostle, he had low thoughts, and spake humbly of himself. We should be aware of our own infirmities, and think humbly of ourselves, even...
The apostle certainly means by this, excommunication; which was the rod which he had before mentioned, asking them if they would he should come unto them with a rod. This rod he here threateneth them...
and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be made full. [For though we are indeed human, we do not contend after a human or worldly fashion (for our weapons are not...
2 Corinthians 10:6 and G2532 being G2192 (G5723) G1722 ready G2092 punish G1556 (G5658) all G3956 disobe
‘And being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be made full.' The weapons of he and his fellow-workers being so effective Paul is sure of victory. These weapons will br...
2 Corinthians 10:6. AND BEING IN READINESS TO AVENGE ALL DISOBEDIENCE, WHEN YOUR OBEDIENCE IS FULFILLED. The sound and healthy party in the church whom the apostle identifies with the church itself ar...
BEING IN READINESS (εν ετοιμω εχοντες). This very idiom occurs in Polybius, Philo, etc. "Holding in readiness." In 2 Corinthians 12:14 we have ετοιμως εχω for the same idea (adverb ετοιμως).DISOBED...
CONTENTS: Vindication of Paul's apostleship, and his appeal to Corinthians as brethren in Christ. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Paul. CONCLUSION: The servants of Christ should be sensible of their own inf...
2 Corinthians 10:1. _Who in presence am base among you, but being absent am bold towards you._ Paul retorts ironically the unworthy insinuations of the false teachers, sent out by the sanhedrim of Jer...
AND AFTER. "I do not want to come to Corinth until you have had time to prove your complete loyalty to me as an apostle of Christ. When I do come, I will take harsh measures with any who are still dis...
_For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh _ THE DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN THE GOOD AND THE BAD What is conceded by the apostle in the text as to the general state of the servants of...
2 CORINTHIANS—NOTE ON 2 CORINTHIANS 10:1 Paul’s Appeal to the Rebellious Minority in Corinth. In the third major section of his letter, Paul directly appeals to those who are still rejecting his gospe...
CHAPTER 10 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. In this and the two next Chapter s Paul defends his apostleship against the false apostles, who held him up to contempt as vile and despicable, and accused him o...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ REMARKABLE CHANGE OF TONE here, and henceforward. So remarkable that—in last century, for the first time, then in beginning of this, and again, after a respite, during the last fifty...
EXPOSITION With this chapter begins the last great section of the Epistle (verse 1-2 Corinthians 13:10), which contains an impassioned vindication of the apostle's position as compared with that of hi...
Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent [I am] bold toward you (2 Corinthians 10:1): This is one of the charges that...
1 Corinthians 4:21; 1 Corinthians 5:3; 1 Timothy 1:20; 2 Corinthians 13:10;...
Being in readiness to avenge all disobedience — Not only by spiritual censure, but miraculous punishments. When your obedience is fulfilled — When the sound part of you have given proof of your obedie...
That is, having in. readiness that which will revenge all disobedience upon refractory and stubborn offenders (namely, the power of excommunication) and both authority and ability to inflict such corp...