Minds [ν ο η μ α τ α]. Originally, things which proceed out of the mind. Compare hearts and minds, Philippians 4:7, and devices, 2 Corinthians 2:11. Hence, derivatively, the minds themselves. The word occurs but once outside of this epistle, Philippians 4:7. Some render here thoughts. So Rev., in margin.

Were blinded [ε π ω ρ ω θ η]. See on the kindred noun pwrwsiv hardening, Mark 3:5. Rev., correctly, were hardened.

The same veil [τ ο α υ τ ο κ α λ υ μ μ α]. The expression their minds were hardened is carried out figuratively. There is a veil over their minds when the law is read, as there was over Moses ' face. They cannot yet recognize the end of the Mosaic ministry.

Untaken away [μ η α ν α κ α λ υ π τ ο μ ε ν ο ν]. Rev., admirably - giving the force of ajna up - unlifted. But both A. V. and Rev. construe unlifted with veil : the same veil remaineth untaken away (unlifted). This is objectionable, because katargeitai is done away is used throughout the chapter of the glory of the Mosaic ministry, while another word is employed in ver. 16 of the taking away of the veil. Further, the reading of the best texts is oti that or because, and not o ti which. Because is not true to the fact, since the veil remains unlifted, not because it is done away in Christ, but because of the hardness of their hearts. It is better, therefore, to take mh ajnakaluptomenon unlifted, as a nominative absolute, and to render, it not being revealed that it (the veil) is being done away in Christ. This falls in naturally with the drift of the whole passage. The veil remains on their hearts, since it is not revealed to them that the Mosaic economy is done away in Christ.

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Old Testament