As workers together with Him [σ υ ν ε ρ γ ο υ ν τ ε ς].
Lit., working together. With Him is implied in the compounded oun
with. That it refers to God, not to the fellow - Christians, is
evident from the parallel 1 Corinthians 3:9, laborers together with
God, and because the act of exhortation or ent... [ Continue Reading ]
He saith, etc. From Isaiah 49:8, after Septuagint. The Hebrew is : "In
the time of favor I answer thee, and in the day of salvation I succor
thee." The words are addressed to the servant of Jehovah, promising to
invest him with spiritual power, that he may be a light to Israel and
to others. Paul, t... [ Continue Reading ]
Ministry. Rev., ministration. See on Romans 12:7.
Blamed [μ ω μ η θ η]. Only here and ch. 8 20. The kindred mwmov
blemish, is found 2 Peter 2:13, and in the Septuagint of bodily
defects. Similarly the Septuagint amwmov spotless, without bodily
defect; and, in the moral sense, 1 Peter 1:19, applied... [ Continue Reading ]
Necessities [α ν α γ κ α ι ς]. See on 1 Corinthians 7:26.
Distresses [σ τ ε ν ο χ ω ρ ι α ι ς]. See on Romans 2:9.... [ Continue Reading ]
Imprisonments [φ υ λ α κ α ι ς]. See on Acts 5:21.
Tumults [α κ α τ α σ τ α σ ι α ι ς]. See on Luke 21:9,
and compare ajkatastatov unstable, James 1:8. This is one of the words
which show the influence of political changes. From the original
meaning of unsettledness, it developed, through the compl... [ Continue Reading ]
Right - left. Right - hand and left - hand weapons. Offensive, as the
sword, in the right hand, defensive, as the shield, in the left.... [ Continue Reading ]
Deceivers. See ch. 2 Corinthians 2:17; 2 Corinthians 4:2. The opinions
concerning Paul as a deceiver are mirrored in the Clementine Homilies
and Recognitions, spurious writings, ascribed to Clement of Rome, but
emanating from the Ebionites, a Judaizing sect, in the latter half of
the second century.... [ Continue Reading ]
Chastened. See ch. 2 Corinthians 12:7-9, and compare Psalms 118:18.... [ Continue Reading ]
Having - possessing [ε χ ο ν τ ε ς - κ α τ ε χ ο ν τ ε
ς]. The contrast is twofold : between having and not having, and
between temporary and permanent having, or having and keeping. Compare
Luke 8:15; 1 Corinthians 14:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; Hebrews 3:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
Ye Corinthians. The readers are addressed by name in only two other
epistles, Galatians 3:1; Philippians 4:15.
Is enlarged [π ε π λ α τ υ ν τ α ι]. Only here, ver. 13,
and Matthew 23:5, where it is used of widening the phylacteries. From
platuv broad. Quite common in the Septuagint, and with various... [ Continue Reading ]
Not straitened in us. It is not that our hearts are too narrow to take
you in. Straitened in antithesis with enlarged.
In your own bowels [τ ο ι ς ο π λ α γ χ ν ο ι ς υ μ ω
ν]. See on 1 Peter 3:8; James 5:11. Rev., affections. It is your love
that is contracted.... [ Continue Reading ]
Unequally yoked [ε τ ε ρ ο ζ υ γ ο υ ν τ ε ς]. Only here
in the New Testament. Not in classical Greek, nor in Septuagint,
though the kindred adjective eJterozugov of a diverse kind, occurs
Leviticus 19:19. Unequally gives an ambiguous sense. It is not
inequality, but difference in kind, as is shown... [ Continue Reading ]
Concord [σ υ μ φ ω ν η σ ι ς]. Only here in the New
Testament. From sun together, fwnh voice. Primarily of the concord of
sounds. So the kindred sufwnia, A. V., music, see on Luke 14:25.
Compare sumfwnov with consent, 1 Corinthians 7:5; and sumfwnew to
agree, Matthew 18:19; Luke 5:36, etc.
Belial [β... [ Continue Reading ]
Agreement [σ υ γ κ α τ α θ ε σ ι ς]. Only here in the New
Compare the kindred verb sugkatatiqemai to consent, Luke 23:51. Lit.,
a putting down or depositing along with one. Hence of voting the same
way with another, and so agreeing.
Ye are. Read, as Rev., we are.
God hath said, etc. Th... [ Continue Reading ]
Come out, etc. Isaiah 52:11; Isaiah 52:12, after the Septuagint, with
several changes.... [ Continue Reading ]
I will be to you, etc. From 2 Samuel 7:14, where the Septuagint and
Hebrew agree. Paul says sons and daughters for son.
Almighty [π α ν τ ο κ ρ α τ ω ρ]. The word is peculiar to
Revelation, occurring nowhere else in the New Testament. Here it is a
quotation. Frequent in the Septuagint.... [ Continue Reading ]