Being led away [σ υ ν α π α χ θ ε ν τ ε ς]. Better, Rev., carried away. It is the word used by Paul of Barnabas, when he dissembled with Peter at Antioch. "Barnabas was carried away with their dissimulation" (Galatians 2:13).

Of the wicked [α θ ε σ μ ω ν]. See on ch. 2 Peter 2:7.

Fall from [ε κ π ε σ η τ ε]. Lit., "fall out of." Compare Galatians 5:4. Steadfastness [σ τ η ρ ι γ μ ο υ]. Only here in New Testament. See on ch. 2 Peter 1:12. :1 John 1


The term [κ α θ ο λ ι κ η], catholic or general, applied to the Epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude, was used from the second century onward in the sense of something addressed to the faithful generally, as distinguished from Christians of particular nations or cities, as the Galatians or Ephesians. Hence, Clement of Alexandria speaks of the letter of Acts 15 as "the catholic letter of all the Apostles, given to the faithful." The term was also used of letters specially addressed, but with a general application, which made no claim to canonical authority.

In the later Western Church the group of letters known as catholic was called canonical through a mistaken interpretation of the words of Junilius, who referred to the letters of James, 2 Peter, Jude, 2 and 3 John 1 as added by many to the collection of canonical books. This was understood to mean that the term canonical applied to those books peculiarly.

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Old Testament