2 Timothy 1:2
Dearly beloved [α γ α π η τ ω]. Better, beloved. (Comp. 1 Corinthians 4:17. In 1 Timothy 1:2, Timothy is addressed as gnhsiov, and Tit. in Titus 1:4.... [ Continue Reading ]
Dearly beloved [α γ α π η τ ω]. Better, beloved. (Comp. 1 Corinthians 4:17. In 1 Timothy 1:2, Timothy is addressed as gnhsiov, and Tit. in Titus 1:4.... [ Continue Reading ]
I thank God [χ α ρ ι ν ε χ ω τ ω θ ε ω]. Lit. I have thanks to God. The phrase in Luke 17:9; Acts 2:47; o P. unless 2 Corinthians 1:15; 130 1 Timothy 1:12; Hebrews 12:28; 3rd John verse 4. Paul uses eujcaristw I give thanks (not in Pastorals) or eujloghtov oJ qeov blessed be God (not in Pastorals).... [ Continue Reading ]
Greatly desiring [ε π ι π ο θ ω ν]. Better, longing. Pastorals only here. Quite frequent in Paul. See Romans 1:11; 2 Corinthians 5:2; 2 Corinthians 9:14; Philippians 1:8, etc. The compounded preposition ejpi does not denote intensity, as A. verse greatly, but direction. Comp. chapter 2 Timothy 4:9;... [ Continue Reading ]
When I call to remembrance [υ π ο μ ν η σ ι ν λ α β ω ν]. The object of carin ecw ver. 3. Lit. having received a reminding. The phrases N. T.. o. Upomnhsiv reminding (but sometimes intransitive, remembrance), only here, 2 Peter 1:13; 2 Peter 3:1. In LXX three times. As distinguished from ajnamnhsiv... [ Continue Reading ]
Wherefore [δ ι η ν α ι τ ι α ν]. Lit. for which cause. Aitia not in Paul. The phrase in verse 12; Titus 1:13; also in Luke, Acts, and Hebrews Paul's expression is dio or dia touto. Stir up [α ν α ζ ω π υ ρ ε ι ν]. N. T. o. LXX, (Genesis 45:27; Genesis 1 Macc. 13 7. In Class., as Eurip. Electra, 1121... [ Continue Reading ]
Spirit of fear [π ν ε υ μ α δ ε ι λ ι α ς]. Better, of cowardice. N. T. Comp. Romans 8:15, and see on the Spirit, Romans 8:4; Romans 8:5. Of power [δ υ ν α μ ε ω ς]. Found in all the Pauline Epistles except Philemon. In Pastorals only here, verse 8, and chapter 2 Timothy 3:5. Not used by our writer... [ Continue Reading ]
Be not ashamed [μ η ε π α ι σ χ υ ν θ η ς]. See on Luke 9:26. Testimony [μ α ρ τ υ ρ ι ο ν]. See on 1 Timothy 2:6. His prisoner [δ ε σ μ ι ο ν α υ τ ο υ]. Paul styles himself the prisoner of the Lord, Ephesians 3:1; Ephesians 4:1; Philippians 1:9. Only here in Pastorals. Not in a figurative sense,... [ Continue Reading ]
Who hath saved us. Salvation is ascribed to God. See on our Savior, 1 Timothy 1:1. Called [κ α λ ε σ α ν τ ο ς]. Comp. 1 Timothy 6:12, and see Romans 8:30; Romans 9:11; 1 Corinthians 1:9; Galatians 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 2:12. It is Paul's technical term for God's summoning men to salvation. In Paul... [ Continue Reading ]
Made manifest [φ α ν ε ρ ω θ ε ι σ α ν]. See on 1 Timothy 3:16. In contrast With the preceding clause, this marks the historical fulfillment in time of the eternal, divine counsel. Comp. Titus 1:3. There is an implication that the divine counsel was hidden until the fitting time : comp. Ephesians 3:... [ Continue Reading ]
A teacher of the Gentiles [δ ι δ α σ κ α λ ο ς ε θ ν ω ν]. Omit of the Gentiles. Comp. 1 Timothy 2:7, from which the words were probably transferred when the three Epistles were jointly edited. Paul calls himself an apostle, and describes himself as preaching [κ η ρ υ σ σ ω ν]; but he nowhere calls... [ Continue Reading ]
I am not ashamed. Comp. verse 8, and Romans 1:16. Whom I have believed [ω π ε π ι σ τ ε υ κ α]. Or, in whom I have put my trust. See on John 1:12; John 2:22; Romans 4:5. Able [δ υ ν α τ ο ς]. Often used with a stronger meaning, as 1 Corinthians 1:26, mighty; Acts 25:5, oiJdunatoi the chief men : as... [ Continue Reading ]
The form [υ π ο τ υ π ω σ ι ν]. Pasts o. o LXX, o Class. See on 1 Timothy 1:16. Of sound words [υ γ ι α ι ν ο ν τ ω ν λ ο γ ω ν]. See on 1 Timothy 1:16. In faith and love. The teaching is to be held, preached, and practiced, not as a mere schedule of conduct, however excellent, but with the strong... [ Continue Reading ]
That good thing which was committed [τ η ν κ α λ η ν π α ρ α θ η κ η ν]. That fair, honorable trust, good and beautiful in itself, and honorable to him who receives it. The phrase N. T. o. See on verse 12. Comp. the good warfare, 1 Timothy 1:18; teaching, 1 Timothy 4:6; fight, 1 Timothy 6:12; confes... [ Continue Reading ]
In Asia. Proconsular Asia, known as Asia Propria or simply Asia. It was the Romans province formed out of the kingdom of Pergamus, which was bequeathed to the Romans by Attalus III (B. C. 130), including the Greek cities on the western coast of Asia, and the adjacent islands with Rhodes. It included... [ Continue Reading ]
Onesiphorus. Mentioned again, chapter 2 Timothy 4:19. Refreshed [α ν ε ψ υ ζ ε ν]. N. T. o. Several times in LXX; often in Class. Anayuxiv refreshing, Acts 3:19; and katayucein to cool, Luke 16:24. Originally to cool; to revive by fresh air. Chain [α λ υ σ ι ν]. Once in Paul, Ephesians 6:20. Sever... [ Continue Reading ]
Very well [β ε λ τ ι ο ν]. N. T. o. The sense is comparative; better than I can tell you.... [ Continue Reading ]