2 Timothy 2:1

Therefore [ο υ ν]. In view of what has been said in the previous chapter. Be strong [ε ν δ υ ν α μ ο υ]. In Paul, Romans 4:20; Ephesians 6:10; Philippians 4:13. Lit. be strengthened inwardly. In the grace [ε ν τ η χ α ρ ι τ ι]. Grace is the inward source of strength. Comp. the association of grace... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:2

Among many witnesses [δ ι α π ο λ λ ω ν μ α ρ τ υ ρ ω ν]. Dia through the medium of, and therefore in the presence of. Commit [π α ρ α θ ο υ]. As a trust or deposit [π α ρ α θ η κ η]. See on chapter 2 Timothy 1:12; 2 Timothy 1:14. In Paul only 1 Corinthians 10:27. Faithful [π ι σ τ ο ι ς]. Not bel... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:3

Endure hardness [σ υ ν κ α κ ο π α θ η σ ο ν]. Comp. chapter 2 Timothy 1:8. A. V. verse fails to give the force of sun with. Rend. suffer hardship with me. Soldier [σ τ ρ α τ ι ω τ η ς]. Only here in Pastorals. o P. Frequent in Acts.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:4

That warreth [σ τ ρ α τ ε υ ο μ ε ν ο ς]. Better, when engaged in warfare. Rev. no soldier on service. In Paul, 1 Corinthians 9:7; 2 Corinthians 10:3. In Pastorals only here and 1 Timothy 1:18. Entangleth himself [ε μ π λ ε κ ε τ α ι]. Only here and 2 Peter 2:20 (see note). This has been made an ar... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:5

Strive for masteries [α θ λ η]. N. T. o. o LXX Paul uses ajgwnizesqai (see 1 Corinthians 9:25), which appears also in 1 Timothy 4:10; 1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 4:7. For masteries is superfluous. Rev. contend in the games; but the meaning of the verb is not limited to that. It may mean to contend in... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:6

The husbandman that laboreth [τ ο ν κ ο π ι ω ν τ α γ ε ω ρ γ ο ν]. The verb implies hard. wearisome toil. See on 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 1 Thessalonians 5:12. Gewrgov Husbandman, only here in Pastorals. o P. See on John 14:1. Must be first partaker [δ ε ι π ρ ω τ ο ν - μ ε τ α λ α μ β α ν ε ι ν]. Bett... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:7

Consider [ν ο ε ι]. Better, understand. And the Lord give thee understanding [δ ω σ ε ι γ α ρ ο κ υ ρ ι ο ς σ υ ν ε σ ι ν]. More correctly, for the Lord shall give. 134 For sunesin understanding, see on Mark 12:33; Luke 2:47; Colossians 1:9.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:8

Remember that Jesus Christ - was raised, etc. Incorrect. Rend. remember Jesus Christ raised from the dead. Mnhmoneue remember, only here in Pastorals : often in Paul. Egeirein to raise, very often in N. T., but only here in Pastorals. The perfect passive participle [ε γ η γ ε ρ μ ε ν ο ν] only here.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:9

Wherein I suffer trouble [ε ν ω κ α κ ο π α θ ω]. Wherein refers to the gospel. Kakopaqein only here, chapter 2 Timothy 4:5, and James 5:13. LXX, John 4:10. As an evildoer [ω ς κ α κ ο υ ρ γ ο ς]. Only here and in Luke. Better, malefactor. The meaning is technical. Comp. Luke 23:32; Luke 23:33; Luke... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:10

Therefore [δ ι α τ ο υ τ ο]. Because I know that God is carrying on his work. That they may also [ι ν α κ α ι α υ τ ο ι]. More correctly, they also may, etc. Also, as well as myself. Obtain the salvation [σ ω τ η ρ ι α ς τ υ χ ω σ ι ν]. The phrase N T. o. Paul has peripoihsiv swthriav obtaining of... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:11

It is a faithful saying. Better, faithful is the saying. See on 1 Timothy 1:15. It refers to what precedes - the eternal glory of those who are raised with Christ verse 8) which stimulates to endurance of sufferings for the gospel. For [γ α ρ]. Faithful is the saying that the elect shall obtain sal... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:12

If we suffer we shall also reign with him [ε ι υ π ο μ ε ν ο μ ε ν, κ α ι σ υ ν β α σ ι λ ε υ σ ο μ ε ν]. For suffer, rend. endure. Sunbasileuein to reign with, only here and 1 Corinthians 4:8. Comp. Luke 19:17; Luke 19:19; Luke 22:29; Luke 22:30; Romans 5:17; Revelation 4:4; Revelation 5:10;... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:13

If we believe not [ε ι α π ι σ τ ο υ μ ε ν]. Better, are faithless or untrue to him. Comp. Romans 3:3. In Pastorals only here. Faithful [π ι σ τ ο ς]. True to his own nature, righteous character, and requirements, according to which he cannot accept as faithful one who has proved untrue to him. To... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:14

Put them in remembrance [υ π ο μ ι μ ν η σ κ ε]. o P. See on uJpomnhsin reminding, chapter. i. 5. Charging [δ ι α μ α ρ τ υ ρ ο μ ε ν ο ς]. In Paul only 1 Thessalonians 4:6. Very frequent in Acts. See on Acts 2:40; Acts 20:23. The sense is rather conjuring them by their loyalty to God. Paul uses th... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:15

:2 Timothy 2 _15 2 Timothy 2:1 5Study [σ π ο υ δ α σ ο ν]. Originally, make haste. In Paul, Galatians 2:10; Ephesians 4:3 (note); 1 Thessalonians 2:17. To shew thyself approved [σ ε α υ τ ο ν δ ο κ ι μ ο ν π α ρ α σ τ η σ α ι]. Parasthsai, better, present. In Pastorals only here and chapter 2 Timot... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:16

Shun [π ε ρ ι ι σ τ α σ ο]. P o. In Pastorals, here and Titus 3:9. Originally, to place round; to stand round. In the middle voice, to turn one's self about, as for the purpose of avoiding something : hence, avoid, shun. Often in Class., but in this sense only in later Greek. Profane and vain babbl... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:17

Will eat [ν ο μ η ν ε ξ ε ι]. Lit. will have pasturage, and sO grow. Nomh purov a spreading of fire : a sore is said nomhn poieisqai to spread. Comp. Acts 4:17, dianemhqh spread, of the influence of the miracle of Peter, from the same root, nemein to distribute or divide; often of herdsmen, to pastu... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:18

Have erred [η σ τ ο χ η σ α ν]. See on 1 Timothy 1:6. The resurrection [α ν α σ τ α σ ι ν]. Only here in Pastorals.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:19

Nevertheless [μ ε ν τ ο ι]. Mostly in John. o P. Only here in Pastorals. The foundation of God standeth sure [ο σ τ ε ρ ε ο ς θ ε μ ε λ ι ο ς τ ο υ θ ε ο υ ε σ τ η κ ε ν]. Wrong. Stereov sure is attributive, not predicative. Rend. the firm foundation of God standeth. The phrase foundation of God, N.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:20

But the church embraces a variety of characters. Unrighteous men steal into it. So, in a great household establishment there are vessels fit only for base uses. House [ο ι κ ι α]. As qemeliov foundation indicates the inward, essential character of the church, oijkia exhibits its visible, outward as... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:21

Purge [ε κ κ α θ α ρ η]. Only here and 1 Corinthians 5:7. The meaning is, separate himself from communion with. From these [α π ο τ ο υ τ ω ν]. From such persons as are described as; 'vessels "unto dishonor." Some attempt to relieve the awkwardness of this figure by referring these to persons menti... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:22

Youthful lusts [ν ε ω τ ε ρ ι κ α ς ε π ι θ υ μ ι α ς]. Newterikov youthful, N. T. o. For ejpiqumia desire, lust, see on Mark 4:19; 1 Thessalonians 4:5. Such counsel from Paul to Timothy seems strange. Follow [δ ι ω κ ε]. Pursue. Stronger than follow. A favorite word with Paul to denote the pursuit... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:23

Foolish [μ ω ρ α ς]. In Pastorals only here and Titus 3:9. Mwrov means dull, sluggish, stupid : applied to the taste, flat, insipid : comp. mwranqh have lost his savor, Matthew 5:13. In Pastorals never substantively, a fool, but so in 1 Corinthians 3:18; 1 Corinthians 4:10. Comp. afrwn, 1 Corinthian... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:24

The servant of the Lord [δ ο υ λ ο ν κ υ ρ ι ο υ]. The teacher or other special worker in the church. Comp. Titus 1:1; Rom. i. l; Galatians 1:10; Philippians 1:1; Colossians 4:12. Of any Christian, 1 Corinthians 7:22; Ephesians 6:6. The phrase is often applied to the Old Testament prophets as a body... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:25

In meekness [ε ν π ρ α υ τ η τ ι]. A Pauline word, only here in Pastorals, But comp. praupaqia, 1 Timothy 6:11 (note). Const. With instruction. Instructing [π α ι δ ε υ ο ν τ α]. See on 1 Timothy 1:20. Better, correcting!. Those that oppose themselves [τ ο υ ς α ν τ ι δ ι α τ ι θ ε μ ε ν ο υ ς]. N.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 2:26

May recover themselves [α ν α ν η ψ ω σ ι ν]. Lit. may return to soberness. N. T. o. See on be sober, 1 Thessalonians 5:6. A similar connection of thought between coming to the knowledge of God and awaking out of a drunken stupor, occurs 1 Corinthians 14:34. Out of the snare of the devil [ε κ τ η ς... [ Continue Reading ]

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