But the church embraces a variety of characters. Unrighteous men steal into it. So, in a great household establishment there are vessels fit only for base uses.

House [ο ι κ ι α]. As qemeliov foundation indicates the inward, essential character of the church, oijkia exhibits its visible, outward aspect. The mixed character of the church points to its greatness [μ ε γ α λ η].

Vessels [σ κ ε υ η]. See on Matthew 12:29; Mark 3:27; Acts 9:15; Acts 27:17; 1 Peter 3:7.

Of wood and of earth [ξ υ λ ι ν α κ α ι ο σ τ ρ α κ ι ν α]. Xulinov wooden only here and Revelation 9:20. Ostrakinov of baked clay, only here and 2 Corinthians 4:7 (note). Comp. the different metaphor, 1 Corinthians 3:12. Some to honor and some to dishonor. After Romans 9:21.

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Old Testament