Persecutions, afflictions [δ ι ω γ μ ο ι ς, π α θ η μ α σ ι ν]. Diwgmov persecution, only here in Pastorals. Occasionally in Paul. Paqhma, only here in Pastorals. Often in Paul, usually in the sense of sufferings, but twice of sinful passions, Romans 7:5; Galatians 5:24.

Antioch, Iconium, Lystra. See Acts 13:50; Acts 14:2 ff.; Acts 14:19. 'these cities may have been selected as illustrations because Timothy was at home in that region. See Acts 16:1; Acts 16:2. Antioch is mentioned by Paul, Galatians 2:11. Iconium and Lystra nowhere in his letters.

Delivered [ε ρ υ σ α τ ο] Often in Paul. Originally, to draw to one's self; to draw out from peril. Paul, in Romans 11:26, applies the prophecy of Isaiah 69:20 to Christ, who is called a oJ rJuomenov the deliverer, LXX

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