Traitors [π ρ ο δ ο τ α ι]. Or betrayers. Only here, Luke 6:16; Acts 7:52. Heady [π ρ ο π ε τ ε ι ς]. Precipitate, reckless, headstrong in the pursuit of a bad end under the influence of passion. Only here and Acts 19:36. In LXX, slack, loose, hence foolish, Proverbs 10:14, and dividing or parting asunder, as the lips; of one who opens his lips and speaks hastily or thoughtlessly, Proverbs 13:3. Comp. Sir. 9 18.

High - minded [τ ε τ υ φ ω μ ε ν ο ι]. Better, besotted or clouded with pride. See on 1 Timothy 3:6, and comp. 1 Timothy 6:4.

Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God [φ ι λ η δ ο ν ο ι μ α λ λ ο ν η φ ι λ ο θ ε ο ι]. Pleasure - lovers rather than God - lovers. Both words N. T. o. o LXX

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Old Testament