To yourselves and to all the flock. To yourselves first, that you may duly care for the flock. Compare 1 Timothy 4:16.

Overseers [ε π ι σ κ ο π ο υ ς]. Denoting the official function of the elders, but not in the later ecclesiastical sense of bishops, as implying an order distinct from presbyters or elders. The two terms are synonymous. The elders, by virtue of their office, were overseers. 26 To feed [π ο ι μ α ι ν ε ι ν]. See on Matthew 2:6. The word embraces more than feeding; signifying all that is included in the office of a shepherd : tending, or shepherding.

Purchased [π ε ρ ι ε π ο ι η σ α τ ο]. Only here and 1 Timothy 3:13. See on peculiar people, 1 Peter 2:9. The verb means, originally, to make [π ο ι ε ω] to remain over and above [π ε ρ ι] : hence to keep or save for one's self; to compass or acquire.

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Old Testament