Be converted [ε π ι σ τ ρ ε ψ α τ ε]. Not a good rendering, because the verb is in the active voice. Better as Rev., turn again. See on Luke 22:32. Blotted out [ε ξ α λ ε ι φ θ η ν α ι] Forgiveness of sins under the figure of the erasure of hand - writing. The word is used thus in Psalms 51 (Sept. 1.), 1; Isaiah 43:25. Also at Colossians 2:14. In classical Greek the verb is opposed to ejggrafein, to enter a name. So Aristophanes : "They do things not to be born, entering [ε γ γ ρ α φ ο ν τ ε ς] some of us, and others, erasing [ε ξ α λ ε ι φ ο ν τ ε ς] up and down, twice or thrice" (" Peace, " 1180). More especially with reference to an item in an account.

When [ο π ω ς α ν]. Wrong. Render in order that, or that (so there may come), as Rev.

Times [κ α ι ρ ο ι]. Better, seasons. See on ch. Acts 1:7.

Of refreshing [α ν α ψ υ ξ ε ω ς]. Only here in New Testament. The word means cooling, or reviving with fresh air. Compare the kindred verb, to wax cold, Matthew 24:12, and see note.

Presence [π ρ ο σ ω π ο υ]. Lit., the face.

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