Be risen [σ υ ν η γ ε ρ θ η τ ε]. Rev., correctly, were
raised. See ch. Colossians 2:12. In their baptism in which they died
(ch. 2 20). Compare Romans 6:2 sqq. Sitteth [ε σ τ ι ν κ α θ
η μ ε ν ο ς]. According to the A. V. the literal rendering would
be is sitting. Is, however, must be taken separat... [ Continue Reading ]
Set your affection [φ ρ ο ν ε ι τ ε]. Lit., be minded, think.
As Rev., set your mind. Seek marks the practical striving; set your
mind, the inward impulse and disposition. Both must be directed at
things above. "You must not only seek heaven, you must think heaven"
(Lightfoot). Compare Philippians 3... [ Continue Reading ]
Ye are dead [α π ε θ α ν ε τ ε]. Rev., correctly, ye died, as
ch. 2 20. Is hid [κ ε κ ρ υ π τ α ι]. Your new spiritual life
is no longer in the sphere of the earthly and sensual, but is with the
life of the risen Christ, who is unseen with God. Compare Philippians
3:20.... [ Continue Reading ]
Who is our life [ζ ω η]. See on John 1:4. The life is not only with
Christ, it is Christ. Compare John 14:6; 2 Corinthians 4:10; 2
Corinthians 4:11; 1 John 5:11; 1 John 5:12. For the change of person,
our for your, see on ch. Colossians 2:13.
Shall appear [φ α ν ε ρ ω θ η]. Rev., correctly, shall be... [ Continue Reading ]
Mortify [ν ε κ ρ ω σ α τ ε]. Only here, Romans 4:19; Hebrews
11:12. Mortify is used in its literal sense of put to death.
So Erasmus : "Christ was mortified and killed." And Shakespeare :
"- his wildness mortified in him, Seemed to die too."
"I Henry v, 1, 26"
Members [μ ε λ η]. See on Romans 6:... [ Continue Reading ]
Wrath - cometh. Compare Romans 1:18. The present tense denotes the
certainty of the future event, as Matthew 17:11; John 4:21. The best
texts omit upon the children of disobedience.... [ Continue Reading ]
In the which [ε ν ο ι ς]. The omission of upon the children,
etc., necessitates the reference to which things (ver. 6) Otherwise we
might render among whom.
Walked - lived. Walked, referring to their practice, lived, to their
condition. Their conduct and their condition agreed. Compare Galatians
5:... [ Continue Reading ]
Put off [α π ο θ ε σ θ ε]. Compare Romans 13:12; Ephesians
4:22; Ephesians 4:25; Hebrews 12:1; James 1:21; 1 Peter 2:1.
Anger, wrath [ο ρ γ η ν, θ υ μ ο ν]. See on John 3:36.
Malice [κ α κ ι α ν]. See on naughtiness, James 1:21.
Blasphemy [β λ α σ φ η μ ι α ν]. See on... [ Continue Reading ]
Seeing that ye have put off [α π ε κ δ υ σ α μ ε ν ο ι].
See on ch. Colossians 2:15. The old man. See on Romans 6:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
New [ν ε ο ν]. See on Matthew 26:29. Compare Ephesians 5:24. Is
renewed [α ν α κ α ι ν ο υ μ ε ν ο ν]. Rev., better,
giving the force of the present participle, is being renewed : in
process of continuous renewal. The word kainov new, which enters into
the composition of the verb, gives the idea of... [ Continue Reading ]
One another - one another [α λ λ η λ ω ν - ε α υ τ ο ι
ς]. Lit., one another - yourselves. For a similar variation of the
pronoun see Ephesians 4:32; 1 Peter 4:8-10. The latter pronoun
emphasizes the fact that they are all members of Christ's body -
everyone members one of another - so that, in forg... [ Continue Reading ]
Above all (ejpi pasin). According to the metaphor of the garment. Over
all, like an upper garment, put on, etc.
Charity. See on 1 Corinthians 13:1.
Bond of perfectness [σ υ ν δ ε σ μ ο ς τ η ς τ ε λ ε
ι ο τ η τ ο ς]. Love embraces and knits together all the
virtues. Teleiothv perfectness is a coll... [ Continue Reading ]
Peace of Christ. Which comes from Christ. See John 14:27; Ephesians
Rule [β ρ α β ε υ ε τ ω]. Lit., be umpire. Only here in the
New Testament. See on ch. Colossians 2:18. The previous references to
occasions for meekness, long - suffering, forbearance, forgiveness,
etc., indicate a conflict o... [ Continue Reading ]
The word of Christ. The only occurrence of the phrase. The word spoken
by Christ.
Richly. See on Romans 2:4, and compare ch. 1 27.
In all wisdom. Some connect with the preceding words, others with the
following - in all wisdom, teaching, etc. The latter seems preferable,
especially in view of ch.... [ Continue Reading ]
In the name. See on Matthew 28:19.
Giving thanks. Notice the emphasis on the duty of thanksgiving placed
at the close of the exhortations. See ch. Colossians 1:12; Colossians
2:7; Colossians 3:15; Colossians 4:2.... [ Continue Reading ]
Wives, etc. Compare the parallel passages, Ephesians 5:22 - vi. 9. See
also 1Pe 2:18 - iii. 7; Titus 2:1-5.
Is fit [α ν η κ ε ν]. See on Philippians 1:8. The imperfect
tense, was fitting, or became fitting, points to the time of their
entrance upon the christian life. Not necessarily presupposing t... [ Continue Reading ]
Be not bitter [μ η π ι κ ρ α ι ν ε σ θ ε]. Lit., be not
embittered. Used only here by Paul. Elsewhere only in Revelation. The
compounds parapikrainw to exasperate, and parapikrasmov provocation,
occur only in Hebrews 3:16; Hebrews 3:8; Hebrews 3:15. Compare
Ephesians 4:31.... [ Continue Reading ]
This is well pleasing. Expanded in Ephesians 6:2; Ephesians 6:3. Unto
the Lord should be in the Lord.... [ Continue Reading ]
Provoke to anger [ε ρ ε θ ι ζ ε τ ε]. Only here and 2
Corinthians 9:2, where it is used of stirring up to good works. To
anger is added by A. V. Be discouraged (ajqumwsin). Only here in the
New Testament. Lose heart, or become dispirited.... [ Continue Reading ]
Masters [κ υ ρ ι ο ι ς]. See on Lord, 2 Peter 2:1, and Matthew
21:3. Kuriov Lord and despothv master came to be used interchangeably
in the New Testament, though originally the latter involved such
authority as is implied in our use of despot, or in the relation of a
master to a slave. The Greeks ap... [ Continue Reading ]
Ye do - do it [π ο ι η τ ε - ε ρ γ α ζ ε σ θ ε]. Rev.,
correctly, ye do - work; the latter being the stronger term as opposed
to idleness. See on James 2:9. An idle man may do. Compare ejrgasia
diligence, Luke 12:58. Heartily [ε κ ψ υ χ η ς]. Lit., from the
soul. With a personal interest. Note that... [ Continue Reading ]
Of the inheritance. Which consists or is in the inheritance. Compare
the similar construction, ch Colossians 1:12. See Matthew 21:35-38,
where the doulov bond - servant and the klhronomov heir are
contrasted; and Romans 8:15-17; Galatians 4:1-7.
For ye serve [γ α ρ δ ο υ λ ε υ ε τ ε]. Omit for. Som... [ Continue Reading ]
He that doeth wrong [ο α δ ι κ ω ν]. Compare Philippians 1:18.
The reference is primarily to the slave; but the following clause
extends it to the master. If the slave do wrong, he shall be punished;
but the master who does wrong will not be excused, for there is no
respect of persons. Tychicus, who... [ Continue Reading ]