Zeal [ζ η λ ο ν]. Read ponon labor, which occurs elsewhere only in Revelation 16:10; Revelation 16:11; Revelation 21:4, in the sense of pain. Ponov labor is from the root of penomai to work for one's daily bread, and thence to be poor. Ponov toil, penhv one who works for his daily bread, and ponhrov wicked, have a common root. See on wickedness, Mark 7:22. In their original conceptions, kopov labor (1 Corinthians 14:58; 2 Corinthians 6:5) emphasizes the fatigue of labor : mocqov hard labor (2 Corinthians 11:27; 1 Thessalonians 2:9), the hardship : ponov the effort, but ponov has passed, in the New Testament, in every instance but this, into the meaning of pain. Hierapolis. The cities are named in geographical order. Laodicaea and Hierapolis faced each other on the north and south sides of the Lycus valley, about six miles apart. Colossae was ten or twelve miles farther up the stream. Hierapolis owed its celebrity to its warm mineral springs, its baths, and its trade in dyed wools. It was a center of the worship of the Phrygian goddess Cybele, 207 whose rites were administered by mutilated priests known as Galli, and of other rites representing different oriental cults. Hence the name Hierapolis or sacred city.

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Old Testament